Do I test or am I being silly?


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2006
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I posted last month cause I have been having sore boobs, feeling very tired, lots of headaches, feeling sick and needing to pee lots for last 2 months, last month my period was a day late and I did a test which was negative then af showed up although it was just spotting for first day then only seemed to get a bit heavier for less then half a day before going back to spotting for a few more days, but I figured with my negative test too and being on the pill it was very unlikely I was pregnant!
The sore boobs got alot worse a few weeks later so went to see the doctor who didnt seemed too concerned and just discussed changing my pill he asked if I thought I was pregnant and I told him I had tested and he seemed happy with that.

I was due on yesterday started spotting yesterday but only when I wiped but when I got up this morning it seemed I had come on properly but it seems to have totally stopped now! Im ment to be going out for my birthday tonight im worried about drinking just incase! Cant decide if its worth doing a test or not what do you think?
yeah i agree - the only way you will find out hun is by testing!! :hug:

good luck Happy Birthday btw :cheer:
Thanks! Guess I beter get a test on the way home, even though im not actually ttc right now I still find it so depressing getting a negative result and would rather not test at all, that sounds stupid doesnt it!

I had this about 6 months ago had all the symptoms of pregnancy missed a period but all tests bfn then had a really heavy clotty bleed and all symptoms went and they thought I may have had an early miscarage, at first the doctors kept saying it sounded like I was pregnant maybe I was testing too early after that they were fairly stumped and did tests for alsorts but refused to give me a pregnancy blood test saying it wasnt their policy!
Feeling really bad today, I couldnt get a test yesterday and when I got home period started again and was very red and looked like it was going to start properly so I drank when I went out (quite alot everyone kept buying me drinks) when I woke up this morning bleeding has totally stopped and I had a really bad pain same as period pain but very sharp was really worried I was pregnant after all and was going to miscary!
I havent had any more pain, or bleeding since, I have had a very light period for about a day and a half but it has been quite red for one day not brown or pink so unlikely to be implantation, may get a test later but will feel so guilty if I am pregnant and really worried what my drinking last night may have done! Surely its very unlikely im pregnant?
Sorry your feeling like this but i would buy a cheap test and see what happens all the best to you sweety :hug: -xx-
I don't know whether you're pregnant or not but on the subject of drinking...if you're not like us (ie frantically looking out for that bfp and testing every opportunity :oops: ) a lot of women don't realise they're pregnant until about 8 weeks - and they drink in that time..
With my first pregnancy I didn't know till over 3 months. I worked as the only woman in a stressful sales job and I went out every night with all the lads from work and we drank...and I don't mean a little glass of wine :D
And I did this until I found out...admittedly I had discovered I suddenly couldn't drink as much but put it down to tiredness and stress but I was still drinking about 3 times the healthy limit for a NON -pregnant woman.
Obviously I stopped drinking immediatly when I found out, but the baby was still there and there were no side effects.
Lots of pregnant women drink before they know - don't beat yourself up over it. I drink now a bit on my "safe" weekends but just like everyone on here one of those safe weekends could turn out not to be so safe with AF visiting sometimes even when the baby dust has worked and the false bfns that people get.

If you are then stop worrying relax and enjoy, if you're not - there's still next month and the alcohol probably had nothing at all to do with it

Stay positive :hug:
dont worry about the drinking as long as your not doin it all the time its fine i drank a bit too much when i was carrying (i didnt mean too but it was a xmas do and free drinks lol ) i ate foods that i werent supposed to (i love my eggs)
but baby was healthy and bouncin.
Thankyou for replies! Sorry I havent been on for awhile went away for the week. I did a test and it was negative then the next day period seemed to come on properly or at least heavier then it had been for a day or two. I am still really suffering with very sore boobs and still feeling sick and dizzy alot so will have to go back to doctors again but its obviously my hormones all over the place as they suspected rather then pregnancy!
Quick update- went to doctors and she has asked me to bring in sample of FMU to be tested which will be dropping off later and she has said if thats negative and Im still having same symptoms she will try and arange a blood test for pregnancy for me to be 100% one way or the other.
In the mean time I am coming off the pill to get the false hormones out my system to see if everything returns to normal and the pill is the problem.

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