Do I sound pregnant to you?


New Member
Sep 12, 2015
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I know people ask this all the time! Sorry! Just need to hear some second opinions...

I ve only been with my partner for about 2 months. In this time I became homeless and as a result of this, did a bit of "sofa surfing" along the way I ran out of my pill. So I had a period about 3 weeks ago (came off around 22nd August I think) and have had unprotected sex since. So I m due a period in about a weeks time. I m experiencing some weird symptoms; my nipples are REALLY sensitive to touch, I have these crazy butterflies in my stomach and I feel bloated and sicky. Is it too early to test? Do I sound pregnant? Also my partner said he had a "gut feeling" that I was...

I've had a miscarriage in the past - I really want to be pregnant so I'm not sure whether my mind is just playing tricks on me. What do you think?
Coming off the pill can cause similar symptoms as pregnancy, it really is a waiting game. Although I fell pregnant within a few weeks of stopping the pill x
A lot of women test this early and get a positive if they're pregnant, so it wouldn't be a complete waste of time and tests if you tried. However, if you get a negative it doesn't mean you're not pregnant. It could just be too early.
Either way I hope you get the result you want and that your housing situation gets better soon :)

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