Disposable vs reusable

Cheaper fleeces have good 'traction' or purchase as I call it!! :lol: They are a bit scratchier when wet than a fine micro fleece and they dont fray. I used pinking shears to make them pretty :) and they dry almost instantly - just bung them back in the tub straight from the washer.

OT - Rosies Mum - do you think its because you are using terry that you got the musty smell? Did you sort that? I wonder if it;s because they wont dry as quick as my cheapo fleece??

Ive remedied that problem now, I only put enough wipes in the box for the day, by now I can guage what I need. Its been so much better thanks :). Am considering using some fleece wipes too, did you get a blanket from Ikea, the think fleecey ones with the pretty cut out edging? :eh: (cant be arsed to trawl thro the threads to find the original where you explained sorry! :blush:)
Carry them damp in a little wet bag or sandwich bag JJ :)

RM - Yeah Ikea - £1.69 and the pinking shears wear from there too!! I think you can get pretty fleeces on ebay cheap too - I only used the Ikea one as I bought it for my home birth kit so effectively it was 'free' :)
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Loads of info thanks guys! There's some reusable nappies in toys r us think they're Mio? Maybe got the name wrong but has anyone used them? It's £100 for a pack that they say lasts from birth to toddler x includes 12 size 1 nappies, 12 size 2 nappies, 2 newborn covers, 2 small covers, 2 large covers, 2 medium covers, 2 laundry bags and 500g of mio fresh nappy cleanser-does this sound good? What else would I need? x x thanks so much RM and MM
Ive got some Bambino Mio's too, birth to potty sounds great, I have a Pop In nappy that does that job. I think that spending on a set like that is ok if you know you are going to get on with the nappy type, it might be worth investigating or buying a small pack to trial first, Also check your local council, mine give you cashback when you buy washable nappies :)
Oooh great to know x the trial sounds like a good idea, we already have a pack of newborn disposables that were free so could get a couple of different brands of reusables and see how we get on. Where else sells them? x
Dont buy a load of brand new nappies of the same brand.

Have a look on Cloth Nappy Tree classifieds http://www.clothnappytree.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=56
pick up one or two of each type and just go from there. Theres a big market in used cloth nappies so you will shift them on if you dont like them. :)

Get a few fitted/prefold/flat nappies plus wraps - like the Tots Bots Bamboozles - a couple of BTP (Birth to potty) , pockets , and AIO (all in one) and then see how you go. Different makes fit differently on different body/leg shapes and sizes so whats good for me might not be for you ;)
I've not gone for brand ones (being tight on money). I've ust bought Boots own, 6 for £9.99 and they last until toddler as they're not fitted.

I meant to ask, what do you do with them when 1) baby has grown into next size and 2) baby has potty trained? Also are they good during the night ie when baby is sleeping through or would disposables be better for then? x x
i know plenty of people who use re-usables through the night not a problem

i have a couple of bumgenius, some little lambs, a multitude of different wraps with lots of boosters (infact, i can safely say i have about TWICE the amount of boosters i will ever really need so will probably be donating to someone soon...)

loads of different types, pocket nappies, wraps and nappies, etc

i will write up my opinions on them when i can, probably take me a couple of months because baby isnt even here yet but when he is i will start the testing x
You can get specifically designed 'night nappies' I use Wee Notions night nappies and I also have an Upsy Daisy one whih is my spare (if he poops over night unexpectedly :lol: )

Regading size, certain ones are sized and others are BTP - birth to potty. I have mix and when he's out grown sized ones (which have a BIG weight range) I sell them on the forum I linked you to or our sister. Pre loved nappies are very popular to buy. I'd rather buy a used one than new where I can but not just for the cost savings. It takes about 8 washes for a nappy to reach full absorbency and obviously a pre used one is ready to go and soaks better :)

Price wise an Itti Bitti would cost you in the region of £12 (+P&P) new and you'd get £10 (you cover postage) for it in very good used condition :)
I had no idea there were so many groovy wraps!! So much cooler than disposables! Lol x x
I have a question! I just received my TotsBots Flexi nappy. Do I need to wash it before I use it or is it good to go?

Anyone help out? Ta x
Most nappies /inserts need 6-8 washes or a long soak to reach full absorbency. Soak any removable parts (boosters / inserts) overnight but not any parts with PUL (the waterproof part) in them as it will degrade it :) Just dont expect it to last the maximum time straight away and regular wetting and washing will get it there in time.
I think the one you mentioned RM needs a wrap ie no PUL so you could soak the whole nappy over night and get the bulk of the absorbency up to capacity :)

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