Discomfort sitting at a desk all day!


Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2008
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This is my first question in 3rd tri!! (probably the first of many... :roll: )

I run a translation company and therefore I spend a lot of the day sitting at my desk. I am finding it increasingly difficult to get comfortable when sitting for long periods (and by long I mean half an hour) at a time. I seem to get out of breath almost, and need to stand up so I can feel normal again (I have read that at 27 weeks, the uterus is up near the rib cage hence the shortness of breath). I just dont know how I am going to continue if this gets worse, as it is very uncomfortable. :wall:

Anyone got any suggestions? I am sure there are MANY of you working at desks all day so hope you can help...

Thanks in advance. x
I've been given a big thick cardigan by one of the guys here....I have it rolled up (like when you roll a towel) behind my back to ease backache. Has helped a fair bit :)

Oooh and welcome to 3rd Tri! The big girls playground!! :cheer: xx

welcome to third tri...

I had this. TBH there wasn't much I could do. I fiddled about with my chair and took a cushion in to support my back but other than that all that helped was getting up frequently and stretching/wandering about the office. Sorry - not much help really.

Check your chair is positioned correctly though.

I have a desk job sitting at my desk all day 6 days a week, some days are worse than others and I think I went through a stage where I was very uncomfortable for a couple of weeks but mostly its not too bad I walk my dog on my breaks which I really miss if Im not able to do it cause of bad weather the walk and fresh air wakes me up and does me good! Not really any tips I can give you though, dont slouch as that makes it worse and cushions can help you to get more comfortable, hopefully like for me this will be a stage and only last a short while :hug: :hug:
First of all you should definitely get a workstation assessment as you will be entitled to it. Having something rolled up and placed behind your back at the lumbar area is a very good idea. It may feel strange at first (and depending on your posture could be tiring on your abs), but it makes a huge difference. It's better than having a generic desk chair support or anything shaped anyway other than a roll. Also, with the rib pain stretching your shoulders back to arch your back and taking as deep a breath as you can provides momentary relief, but it will come back, unfortunately. It also helps to stretch the arm on the same side as the pain (both if it's in the middle) up and to the side away from the pain (or just straight up if in the middle). I've been told to get up at least once every fifteen minutes. Your colleagues will soon get used to it. Last, do a lot of circlular ankle movements under your desk to reduce foot and leg swelling, as well as pelvic tilt exercises while you are sitting to build up those muscles you will soon need more than ever as you find yourself growing!
The only thing that helps me is to adjust my chair so its completely upright and I find I have to keep getting up and walking around. I do sympathise with you though hun, its not nice :hug:
Thanks for the advice everyone.

I have just finished a very large project and I am thinking its the last one I will do until baby is born. I think I need to learn to delegate from now on!! :lol:

I should have also specified that I work from home, am self-employed, so I am not in an office environment. I do have a proper adjustable office chair but it doesnt fit in to the space where my desk is... so I use a normal office chair, which is probably not helping!

Anyway, I will keep watching for any more suggestions and in the meantime I will try what you have all said. Thanks again. x
I spend long periods at my computer and found my birthing ball to be great to sit on. It kept me in the correct position and I could move around gently on it also. Tilted forward with hips higher than knees and feet flat to floor.

Down side was I had to sit more sideways as bump meant I could not reach desk properly facing forward.
I used to sit on a pillow under my thighs with a small gap between my pillow and the back of my chair - just enough to slot part of my bottom in! lol (so my knees were slightly raised in comparison with my bum). I find leaning forward/totally upright made my lungs ache.

Hope you find a way that makes you more comfortable hun :hug: BTW, it's great to see you in 3rd tri :D xx
dannii87 said:
Hope you find a way that makes you more comfortable hun :hug: BTW, it's great to see you in 3rd tri :D xx

Thanks Dannii!

I am psyched to be here with all you grown-ups!! :dance: :lol: How are you doing?
:lol: I don't feel like that much has changed since 27 weeks! She's not engaged or anything so nothing to report! How are you? & your little fella? x

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