

Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2005
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My dh has just phoned me to say he will be getting a disciplinary at work on wednesday because they think he isn't pulling his weight. This is about the 3rd time they have spoken to him about it but he said that he works his butt off everytime he is there and can't understand where he is going wrong. My dh gets to sometimes go off site with one of the bigger boss' at work to do some work for the company owner at his home and everytime this seems to happen they always pull him up on not pulling his weight a few days later. A lot of them hate the fact he gets to go off for the day and put in complaints about him saying he's not working hard enough. Is this not classed as bullying or discrimination? I feel like he is being singled out because this boss chooses to take him off and they hate it. Most of the people at my dh's work place are on drugs for a start so I can't imagine my dh is their worst worker and if he was why would the big boss always take him to do work for the whole company owner? It's stressing me out non stop because I don't know how far they will push him! My dh went off to do off site work last week and I even said to my brother, I bet him £100 that within a few days they would say he doesn't work hard enough and here we are again but now they are taking disciplinary action against him which I feel isn't fair. They don't have a union and will not allow union on their site which I think is a load of crap because he has no one to represent him! What can we do about this? I feel like he's being bullied and singled out and no one should feel that way at work. I just can't be doing with all this with the baby on the way.
deffo tell him to go and see CAB - give them a ring before the hearing to see where he stands, he might beable to delay the hearing till he can speak to them in person or something?
doesn't sound good, can he counter complain about bullying? it wont lead to a good situation, but it would delay any proceedures against him and give him time to fnd a new job. I think once you head to discipline it's really bes to leave.

i'd advise him to contact someone like ACAS

they specialise in this type of thing so would be able to give better advice.

also your hubbie should be allowed to take an independant person with him to the interview although they wouldnt be able to actually speak for him.
Has he got a copy of his employers disciplinary rules?, if not he should get one so he can ensure they're following correct procedures.
I've told him to bring home the company handbook today so we can have a read of the procedures. The hearing is tomorrow and we've made a list of points he can bring up because he said he really doesn't feel they have grounds to give him a disciplinary when he works his bum off all day for 12 hours a day! He also told me last night that his supervisor has on many occassions threatened to have him moved off the department or have him sacked and replaced with one of his mates! I don't think he can get away with that and he has witnesses to this being said to him as well. My dh also said that they did this to another person in the company and screwed him over and moved him off the department. I've said to my dh if they say about moving him then go for it because it means he wouldn't have to deal with his supervisor anymore and he can get on with his work. The boss he goes off site with has said he will go in with him tomorrow because he feels they are being totally unfair to him and he'll stick up for him in regards to his work and how hard he works for him. I just hope they listen to what he has to say because he has some good points and his figures are always bang on or more for production so I don't see how they can say he isn't working hard enough if he produces more than other people? If his figures were loads less than anyone in the company then I could understand but they're not. Also he works with another man on his section and he isn't getting one so they're bascially trying to say this bloke single handily produces all the stock? I don't think they really have a case against him but know once they get their sights set on someone then they'll keep pushing it. Just have to see how it goes tomorrow I suppose!

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