Digital TV


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2005
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Turned the babysitter, erm I mean TV on this morning and the screen was frozen on the virgin media tv guide. I switched it off at the mains to re boot it and when it came back on it said loading your digital service and then after a few minutes it had the virgin media logo and said please wait....loading (or something to that effect) its been like that now for about an hour!!!!

Do you think its this digital switch over thingy or should I ring Richard Branson? He hates it when I get him out of bed at a weekend.

Lou :)
hmmm :think:

i dont have a clue so pointless me replying really but my sky working fine so maybe it just virgin having a prob? try turning off at mains again for 20 secs then see what happens :hug:
Cheers sweet. I turned it off and left it for a bit and now its working fine.

lou said:
Cheers sweet. I turned it off and left it for a bit and now its working fine.


:cheer: and i'll take credit for that thanks :lol:
3 cheers for sweetcheeks hip hip :cheer: hip hip :cheer: hip hip :cheer:

she's a jolly good fellow for she's a jolly good fellow she's a jolly good fellow and so say all of, erm me!

:cheer: *high five*
lou said:
3 cheers for sweetcheeks hip hip :cheer: hip hip :cheer: hip hip :cheer:

she's a jolly good fellow for she's a jolly good fellow she's a jolly good fellow and so say all of, erm me!

:cheer: *high five*

woohooo :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Digital TV seems nothing but trouble :evil: I keep getting "bad or scrambled channel" :roll:
I don't really understand what its all about? :think: :think:

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