did you dye your hair??


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2007
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Hi mummies!

did you dye your hair while you were pregnant?

I used to dye my hair blonde but havent since i found out im pregnant, now i hate my roots i want to do my dye again, is it ok to so? its a blonde colour?

Can you let me know what you ladies did while pregnant?

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!
I'm still getting mine coloured although my hair dresser will only use foils as the colour doesn't touch the scalp.
I did last pregnancy, not with this one though. I didn't do it untill I was around 15 weeks

The colour might take different to your hair than it normally does though
i did at xmas , i was about 29 weeks and i only used a semi perminant incase the colour didnt come out as planned !
yes i did my roots through my pregnancy...and would do it again...

i researched it on the net and alot of research has shown that it has no effects....so i was happy with that and did it. Luckily it came out as normal and no hormone changes suddenly turned my roots green lol
i did i waited till i was through the first tri though just anxiety about doing anything wrong i think
i did twice- only highlights tho which i was told are ok its only the full colours which may be unsafe (tho nothings proven i dont think?)- once before i knew i was pregnant i mustve been 4 weeks or something, then another time in march i wouldve been just entering third tri
I did right at the end of my pregnancy with hannah (39 weeks) cos id just had enough!! lmao. (i died my hair from dark brown, to darker brown lol)

with this pregnancy there was a period where i didnt know i was pregnant and i preoxide the who of my hair and the dyed it BRIGHT red. when i found out i was pregnant i thought that having to preoxide my roots every few weeks didnt sound too good. (and too high maintance for me lmao) so i dyed it close to my natural colour. - havent dyed it sinse. and dont intend to. But you never know... when ya 39 weeks pregnant you tend to try anything to make you feel normal. lmao.
I died my hair in second tri. It was supposed to be darker-blonde / light brown and it came out chocolate :lol:
I had my hair done a few times while pregnant but waited until I was 13 weeks before I had it done the first time
i dyed my hair once while i was pregnant at the hairdressers as i was getting married and i had realy bad roots, i ummed and arred about it for ages but decided i needed to get it done if i wasnt getting married then i would not have had it done.
As far as I understand, the reason they advise you not to dye your hair during pregnancy isnt because of any associated risk to the baby, its down to how your hair may take the colour...

some peoples hair changes quite dramamtically when pregnant, goes from dead straight to curly wurly and colour that took before may not take as well or may have more of an effect that you would like...

so its really personal choice :hug:

as for me, I no longer dye my hair, havent for years after a few disasters put me off for life!!! well until those greys start coming through anyway LOL :lol:
I didn't and now mine's grown out I'm not re-dying it cos I cba with the whole roots thing! :D

I know Adele on here did though in both her pregnancies.

I didn't because I heard lightening hair is not recommended because of the bleach and chemicals getting into your bloodstream, and therefore through to baby. I don't know how true that is but I just didn't want to risk it.
I don't believe there's any evidence to suggest that dying your hair during pregnancy is harmful to the baby - not with modern day dyes anyway.

I've had bleach and tint foils done at 12 weeks, 24 weeks and have another appointment for 37 weeks. My hair has been fine, although the hairdresser has been extra cautious with checking how the colour takes to the hair. The hairdresser adsvised they wouldn't be happy doing a full tint (painting dye directly onto the scalp) as it will get in your system. Foils are fine as they are away from the scalp.

Its a personal choice really, some women just prefer not to take the risk.
i dye my hair really dark brown but it seems to fade really quickly on my roots :x
I only used Henna....i think any harsh chemicals in pregnancy are not a good idea...(would you use bleach with no gloves on ????)

But then i am miss au naturale 8)

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