Did i get the bed time thing all wrong?


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2011
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the last few night we been giving her last bottle at 830 n puttin her to bed at 9, she wakes between 2 and 4 for bottle then between 6 and 7 for the day

I thought i needed to have her going to bed early to ger to to go down her self but should i try giving her last one at 9 or 10 to see if i can get her to sleep to 7 or 8 before gettin up for the day if that makes sense

although at the moment no matter what time she wakes be it 2 or she gets up almost the same time in the morning so not sure if it make any dfference
We used to give savannah her last feed at about 10 for the first 3 months or so.

She used to sleep through then until about 7ish so we got a good few hours sleep. Then we brought her forward 15 mins or so a night when she was about 4-5 months.

Everyone does different things though hun. You haven't gotten anything wrong.
Our last feed was 10pm and actually we need to drop this now we are weaning.
i think the confustion was she had started sleeping trough her 11pm bottle when we started putting her down after her 7pm one but she woke for the day at 4am so we gave her the bottle a little later and put her to bed at 9 but in my head it was still her 7pm bottle if that makes sense,

gave her bottle at 9 tonight and put her down at half, currentlly still wide awake up there but usually takes 40 mins or so to drife off to sleep so will see how she goes tonight

when you started bringing it back by 15 mins did it change her waking time in the morning?
I've personally found it easier to start with an early bedtime and then just wait till LO starts to sleep through as we've had very few tantrums about going to bed and to me getting them to go to bed earlier in summer whilst it's light will just confuse them? I also put her to bed earlier because come 7pm I am so ready to unwind and relax on my own and didn't want to have to get my chance to unwind at 11pm before I went to bed.

Sophie started with her bedtime at half 7ish and then would wake at 1 and again at 4 and then sleep till 7 or 8ish.
After a few weeks she now sleeps through from 7:30 till half 5 and then till half 8.

It just takes a bit of time and patience whilst they get the hang of sleeping for longer. The first long night of sleep was amazing.
Not really. We started to bring her forward at about 3 months but to be honest it was too soon for her because she started to wake in the night again and was a lot harder to settle so we put her back to her usual 10-10.30 bedtime for another month or so and then started to bring it forward gradually.

We would bring forward by 15 mins or half an hour and if she slept ok and woke at usual time we kept it at that time for a few days or more and then brought it forward again if that makes sense?

Mind you now shes seven months and not sleeping at all so im no expert! But we had a good few months of good nights sleep so i guess we can't really complain.
I've personally found it easier to start with an early bedtime and then just wait till LO starts to sleep through as we've had very few tantrums about going to bed and to me getting them to go to bed earlier in summer whilst it's light will just confuse them? I also put her to bed earlier because come 7pm I am so ready to unwind and relax on my own and didn't want to have to get my chance to unwind at 11pm before I went to bed.

Sophie started with her bedtime at half 7ish and then would wake at 1 and again at 4 and then sleep till 7 or 8ish.
After a few weeks she now sleeps through from 7:30 till half 5 and then till half 8.

It just takes a bit of time and patience whilst they get the hang of sleeping for longer. The first long night of sleep was amazing.

yeah i get that, i want to have a few hours in the evening and dont mind the am feeds i just would really love that extra even half hour in the morning personally 6am is just that bit too early to get up for the day, but maybe thats just her body clock and no matter what i do feed or bed wise she will still wake then, will see how she goes now cos think her nap in the evening will confuse things even more
Sophie came into our bed sometimes in a morning at first. She had a nappy change then had her bottle and was burped and then I just lay her next to me and popped the dummy in and she was soon back asleep. It took a lot longer at first but she gets the message a lot quicker now and will happily have her bottle and then go back to bed for a bit longer xx

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