Diarrhoea and off food


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2005
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Maddison has quite bad diarrhoea at mo, she has had it about 8 times today and it smells very very bad. She has also went off some of her food. She will eat her cereal but when it comes to lunch and tea she refuses it. She will take soft things like yoghurt and creamed rice though. Does it sound like a bug or teething? She has a rash on her cheeks but hasnt had bad nappies with teething before :think: I dont know whether to take her to docs or not as she is otherwise well in herself :think:
Sounds like a bit of everything in all honesty. Just let her eat when she wants too and once she gets it out of her system - stephen gets like this and will just pick for the day, few nappies and a day later hes back to stuffing his face and back to normal!

Teething is a bugger though, no black and white with it - too many grey areas!

Giver her plenty of water mate to flush all the nasties out!
Sounds like Ruby last week tbh ans she also had her backteeth come through at the same time :rotfl: we just had to sit it out tbh and kept offering water. Rubes didnt eat for 5 days well hardly anything and went back to BF lke a newborn :shock: :shock: :shock:
Thanks girls, she is sleeping and playing normally, its just that she usually eats like a glutton :shock: She is taking bits and bobs but not much. Hope she gets back to her normal self soon.
Thank you for replies :hug:
like has been said it could be a bug or could be teething - i blame everything on teething :roll:

just let her eat what she fancies and if it persists more than 72 hours or she has dry napies i.e she not drinking enough then take her to the drs. just try and encourage as much fluid as she will drink to compensate for the diarrhoea.

poor maddison hope she better soon xx
Thank you rusks :hug: She seems to be eating a bit more today :cheer: Still has diarrhoea though but am giving her water to try keep her hydrated :hug:

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