Dh won't dtd!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
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He's doin my head in by practically havin my bags at the back door with every twinge but now he's refusin sex cos 'i'm too far on' WTF! I've spent 8 months practically fightin him off and now he's refusin...I've told him it can help bring on labour but he won't listen. Hmph-looks like it's more pineapple and hot curries 4 me. Bloody men! x
Tim was like that at the end so I had to bribe him for it!! They always want it when we don't then change their minds when we "need" it! Lol
Ahh how frustrating! I'll consider myself lucky then! X
I have this problem, oh is worried about hurting baby (i told him he wishes his willy was big enough to get that far!) definitely gonna have to jump him later though, we need this lo out!!
I googled it and eventually he gave in lol-I told him he wasn't complainin when we was ttc so he shouldn't complain now lol xx
Lol. It's funny, my oh hasn't change much when it comes to bedroom antics, guess fats a good thing really, and I've felt quite horny lately :) x
I haven't had sex in over a month......all of a sudden I've become an egg in bubble wrap. He won't touch me n won't get it on. At one point I thought he no longer found me attractive...

But no, he is afraid he will put me into labour.
I'm roasting here n I feel deprived.
I feel ur pain Hun.
If I sneeze to hard he is ready to get dressed n fly to the hospital.
he he!! totally know the feeling!! Luckily enough I've gone off the idea a bit myself in the last couple of weeks or so ... so its not a problem (although in a couple of weeks I will be wanting to try and hurry things up!).
I'm lucky my OH not babies dad, is in the army and we have only just got together, so doing the dirty isn't a problem as we are in honeymoon period which is brilliant. =D xXx
my hubbie is scared he hurts the baby!! ive told him this aint gonna happen but he wont beleive me!! arghh xx
I have this problem, oh is worried about hurting baby (i told him he wishes his willy was big enough to get that far!) definitely gonna have to jump him later though, we need this lo out!!

:rofl: I said this to my OH too.
He was like "but aren't I poking it in the head??"
I lol'd and was like "not unless you've suddenly sprouted a 12incher!" :lol:

I don't think we've DTD for about 3 weeks! Whoops!

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