DH felt baby for first time!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2006
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I had the strongest kicks so far last night, had my hand on top at the time too so felt them inside and out which was soo weird but really cool wasn't sure if was strong enough for DH to feel though but great timing he came in room just then so called him and got him to put his hand where kicks where. He totally had the look on his face that said he didn't expect to feel it and was humouring me and was a minute or two was sure baby was done kicking and suddenly a huge kick (well im sure not huge compaired to how they will be but for how they have been it was big) and his face was just a picture it was so amazing I was nearly in tears and haven't even cried at any of my scans but felt like such a special moment that we shared together! Baby hasn't stopped kicking since! :cheer:
Oh yay!! :D

I'm so looking forward to this, gotta be soon!
:cheer: I was 22 weeks when my OH felt baby kick... he hates it! Really freaks him out! :rotfl:
Ahhhhh. I can't wait to feel proper kicks. I can feel stonger movements now but not kicks as such.
inforabumpyride said:
:cheer: I was 22 weeks when my OH felt baby kick... he hates it! Really freaks him out! :rotfl:

lol he did say wow that would totally freak me out, but the look on his face was great!

Bagpuss17 and NickyB im sure it will be soon for you both! :hug: :hug: One day I could just feel really subtle movements and then it suddenly became more obviously but really infrequent then these stronger kicks were so sudden and so much stronger then anything before and now am feeling them all the time maybe babies changed possition or something, but one day you can be feeling hardly anything and not sure its baby and next day WOW! :cheer:
When I use the doppler I can see the kicks along with hearing them which is great.

Hubby had his hand on my belly and could feel sort of rolling movements which I felt as flutters.

In the evening I balance a pen on my belly which wobbles when it's kicked :D
Aww congrats :cheer: My OH can't wait to feel the kicking, he listens to my belly and says he can hear bubs swimming about in there at the moment :lol:
:cheer: :cheer:

I can' wait until i get to that stage... i'm so impatient
:cheer: Yay!
I felt strong kicks last night too- got so excited and tried to wake dh up but he just kept snoring away!

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