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Dexter Lucas 06/07/08 *Pics Finally Added*


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2007
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Started writing this on 6th July....But was shattered. Only started again today. So much has been going on. I hope I write most things correctly. Sorry its late peeps :D


Just like many before me, I feel compelled to start my birth story off with a warning....Or call it a disclaimer:

This birth story is long and involved. This may cause drowsiness. In taking on the challenge of reading it, you may find your head move rapidly towards your keyboard. Please in this time do not operate heavy machinery...Or lift your baby :shock: :sleep: :rotfl:

There is only mild scenes of gore...But I would advise those under 16 not to read on, as it may contain varying descriptions of the female sexual organ. :oops: (maybe not, but liked writing it :rotfl: )

If you feel you are able to continue reading...Please continue now.
If not, then go away ya chicken sh*t, mofo, lilly livered little........ :shock:

Ok, so all my pregnancy hormones have not left me as yet :rotfl:



Niggly, annoying pains that made it hard for me to sleep.


Woke with pains still. Seemed a lot worse with walking. Did not feel bubs move by 9.30. Phoned triage. They said to come in at 10.30am to be checked.
Called my OH.....And told him I wanted him. Often go to triage alone, so do not know why I was such a wimp on this particular occassion!
Got to triage and they did the normal checks. BP, temp and put me on the CTG monitor.
Monitored measured regular, bearable contractions.
A nice doc came to see me and said they he thinks that I had been through enough in this pregnancy. He asked if I now wanted the induction. He had felt my tummy and felt that between the baby and the water it must now bw too much of a strain.
I decided to say yes. So, he went to talk to his senior. His senior agreed and i was taken to the ward.

Later on that day ( :sleep: WAKE UP!!!)
Sat on the ward for hours....Then MW came with my notes and said doc wanted me to have a liquor and doppler ultrasound.
Went for that and all was fine. Water was wvwn slightly reduced.

Later on that day
Mystery doc who I had never met, wanted me to go on the CTG.
Bubs was fine...

So, waited again and finally MW came to say doc said go ahead with induction.

First prostin....around 8: Checked....2cm dilated....Prostin started harsh contractions within a hour. Was having 5 in every 10 mins.
Mom and OH were with me. When I was checked 6 hours later, different MW said I was 3cm and softening.

So, mom went home and OH stayed.
I dozed off, as had not slept well for days and woke to contractions that were now only 2 in 10 mins :(

So, was checked and was told I am 2 cm :? :cry:

Pains started building up again without prostin....So, was given another prostin :x ....and.....all pains stopped!!!!! :x

So, had to wait the alloted 6 hours and was checked. Cervix was not right to break waters :cry: So was given another prostin after clearance from a doc.

I was then left over night (this is now fri-sat BTW :lol: )

So, sat morning a doc comes and checks me and says that I am now 3 cm and cervix is favorable to go to have my waters broken :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

So, labour ward was busy, but would be called down when a free slot came up...

I finally was called at around 2.30 pm...

Scared as hell.....

Ian had just gone to pick up my mom before they said that I was going down. He was then going to rush back to Nuneaton, let the dog out, sort himself out and rush back to Birmingham. So, I phoned my mom and told her to tell Ian that he would have to leave the dog for now and come back in with her when she came back to the hospital.

So, they came back. I was already on delivery suite then. The MW strapped me to the CTG. Checked everything was ok. Baby was not moving much so had to be on it for aaaaggges lol....

Then when they got the trace they wanted, they broke my waters about 4.05 pm. Due to polyhydramnios, they went like a tsunami and would not stop!! Everytime, I moved, laughed, coughed....more and more would come out. They were changing the bed mats every 30 seconds lol. The doc came in and said she thought I had been through enough in this pregnancy and with the prostin failing....So, said they would put me on the drip to speed things up.

I was sitting happy with the drip at first, thinking 'Even this don't work' ....How deluded!!! After about an hour (this is after 6pm by now) pains started in earnest. They were 5 in 10 mins....They hurt....But were bearable. But, babies heart rate started dipping and not accelarating. So, they tried turning me this way and that way....with no joy. Then two docs came in and decided they needed to take blood from bubs head to check for distress. The doc said to reduce the drip down and see how I get on.

I was on the gas and air by now, as was getting pains severely in my back and pains in tummy. They had decided that bubs was not back to back like Tyler had been....So, I was wondering why the hell my back hurt so much! I had been laughing with it until they started thinking something may be wrong with the baby. Then I started sobbing! Mom, Ian, MW and student MW took it in turns to console me. Docs said would be a c section if baby was in distress. made me cry more!lol

The indignity of having the bed raised in the air and one leg in a stirrup, with the worry for the baby made me really sob. MW thought I was in pain....But it was simply all overwhelming for me. Doc could not manage to get the blood that way, so they put both my legs up in stirrups and did it that way.

Results came back that all seemed ok....But doc said she would review in half an hour. Was told I was only 4cm!!! And not effaced :wall: :oops: :cry: This must have been 8pm by now, as they said they would check my progress again at 12pm.

MW's swapped over. Was so happy that I was going from one MW I had met on the ward to another. Familiar faces helped me a lot!

So, pains started getting very hefty. Hated having to sit on the bed as my back was in bits. Felt like I needed to be upright. Sucked on the gas and air for dear life. Felt like it was part of my face at times!lol

At some point, got so spaced out with pain and entonox, that I started singing Mama Mirribelles Home Movies (cebeebies lolL to myself. My mom was killing herself :rotfl:

Lets fast forward through the absolute agony. We are not leading to midnight. Was thinking I must have dilated further by now. You cannot feel like your body is being crushed and not have progressed...

Fast forward 'Sorry Sophie, you are still 4cm'

:wall: :shock: :wall: :shock: :twisted: :evil: :cry: :oops: :x :shock:

I was soooo angry at my body!! I cried soooo hard! Bashed the bed. 'My body is rubbish. It can't even do labour properly'

My mom hugged. I told her I could not do anymore. The pain was too much and my body was letting me down.

MW asked if I wanted an epidural. She said it would be a few hours yet. I had been chanting up until being checked that if I was not more that 4 cm I was going to demand an epidural lol...(got to say, just like when I had Ty, I was good. I stayed polite and did not swear or anything :rotfl: ) But, when she offered it, something told me not to have it. I even rarionalised in my head, it would tke them ages to do it.....and did not feel I could stay still while they put it in. So, sge offered pethidine. This had not even made me sleepy with my son. But she said she would give me the biggest dose. So, I accepted.

I truly believe it is what saved me....As the pains were horrendous!!!!!!! My back was in shocking agony and so was my stomach. The pethidine did not change that. Just made me dose in between each. I think this is what kept me half sane. I wanted to jump off the bed with each pain....But MW wouldnt let me due to having to be on the CTG because of the evil drip lol

I got so hot eventually, that the sticky for the drip come off and the drip pulled out. I jumped off the bed and said I needed the toilet and staggered to the en suite. The MW tried to guide me onto the loo, but the pressure in my bum was horrendous. I kept leaning over the sink and making pushing sounds. Could not sit on the loo for anything. Then I went on my hands and knees and said that was the only way I could get back to the bed lol

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Mom and Ian met me at the door and between the hauled me to my feet. Contractions were one on top of the other. MW said I had to get back on the bed as the baby needed monitoring. I could not sit on the ned. kept promising too when a contraction was over. But one would hit straight away and the pressure was there to push. MW said I needed checking again. The must have been about 1.50 am

Eventually, the A Team, mom and Ian, got me back on the bed, hoisted me backwards and shoved the gas and air in my hand lol

MW checked me. I heard her say my cervix is gone. I did not register the meaning. A couple of mins later, my mom askedher how far I was. MW said 'Fully dilated. She can push. Need to have get someone else in with me due to possible large baby and the heart dipping earlier' She called outside the room and a doc came in.

Mom said 'Sophs, you can push'

Mom held my hand. Ian and mom both encourged me on. It was a relief to go with the pressure and just push. And push I bloody did! The she told me to stop. This is where I did not stop with Ty and tore (I was standing that time though). So, I stopped, listened to the MW and just did small pushes. The MW was amazing. She guided me so well. Yes, the ring of fire was as bad as I remember :shock: :rotfl:

The head was out and then she said to push with alll my might. Everyone was telling me to get angry with it. So, I did....I growled and pushed with everything I had. And then it was all over!!! (edit: forgot to say, turned out he was back to back...so that explained why there was sooo much pain)

Mom and Ian were crying saying 'It's a boy!'

Dexter Lucas was born 02.05 am 06/07/08

As soon as he was born, mom said 'He is big Sophs' I looked and thought he is big. Maybe 10lbs lol

He was put straight on my chest. Skin to skin. Had the injection to release the placenta. Ian had cut the cord :)

MW said she would weigh him in 5 mins.

5400 gms (5.400 kgs)....I tried to calculate and then said 'But Ty was only 3.6 somet kgs. And he was 8lb1 :shock:

The MW looked on the conversion chart and said...'That makes him 11lb14 and he is 59.5cm long!'

Believe me when I say I nearly fell off the bed!

Then was almost upset when she said I did not need stitches....Just had grazes!!! I said I was going to tell my mates I had 50 stitches!! :oops: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Do think bits of perineal massage I did on and off must have helped lol. Raspberry leaf must have helped to go through established labour so fast. As at 12, she had said I was still not in established labour, as my cervix had not thinned.
SPD must have helped my pelvis open (glad it was of some use lol)

Girls, girls, do not label me a bucket....I promise you he was long and slim :oops: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Went for a shower, went up to the ward. Ian and mom went. I did not sleep. The did the Pulse OX study test on him (may be just west mids hospitals) Oxygen levels were fine.

He was checked my paediatric nurse in the morning. She said we could go once he had opened his bowels and urinated.
Then my hernia popped and would not go back in, so they said I would have to stay in :wall:

Family came to visit, Dexter did the business. I finally got hernia back in, so convinced MW to let me go. Left hospital around 7.30 pm the same day he was born.

Had him for a month now. He is amazing!

Pics Finally!
Just before the arrival: Illustration of pain!lol

Tyler and Dexter


Dexter and my mom


Dexter in hospital cot


My beautiful Dexter
what a story! it made me wince, giggle and cry. I know you had such a tough time and you did fantastically, well done!!! and wow! what a weight! Fi is only 10lb 7 now! lol. xxxxxxxxx :hug: :hug: :hug:
Wow! brilliant birth story, you deserve a medal and well done for staying away from the epi otherwise you'd almost certainly have had the section.

I think its brilliant that you came away without stitches too!

Wow. What a few days you had! Brilliant job though!
Oh my word!! That sounds like such a kafuffle!! :shock: It's kind of scared me :oops: lol

Anyway, bloody hell! Big boy then! You truly deserve a medal for all that!

Congratulations though and I'm glad all is well with baby Dexter (love that name btw!)

Wow you deserve a medal, hes a good weight, bethany is 4months and weighs 11lb 90z,
Enjoy your baby boy!!!!
WOW! You did fantastically. I laughed, winced and (nearly) cried during that. Look forward to seeing the photos.

:hug: :hug: :hug:

Congratulations and great to see you back. The induction sounded horrendous - I'm glad it all went well at the end though.

I can well sympathise with the baby stress test (had this when I had my 1st and it was pretty undignified!!!!)

Take it easy, hope you're managing to get some rest.
Wow, you really went through it :hug: Congrats and well done! Can't wait to see pics xxxx
Congratulations - and what a biff baby!!! :shock:

Can't wait to see pictures :cheer:
Geesh! That is a story! I made it from start to finish without hitting the keyboard with my forehead too! Congrats on your new 'little' man! :)
WOW and there was me convinced you were having a girl and she wouldnt be too big!!

I missed all your labour things due to being in labour myself lol, i knew you'd pop before me and you managed it by a few hours!

I'm amazed you managed to push him out without needing stitches! I was so proud of myself getting Tally out without it but you deserve some sort of medal! There really is something to be said about listening to the MW when they say stop pushing.

Cant wait to see pics! Looks like your little man will be a month old 2mos, hope everything is going well :hug:
Congratulations hun, I know you went through lot and you were absolutely amazing throughout. You now have 2 gorgeous boys! :hug: :hug: Thank you for being a great friend and making me smile and laugh so much in the last few months :hug: :hug:
Sorry it took so long girls!!

Finally have added pics.

May aswell say thanks for the great messages!lol

love Super Sophs :rotfl:

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