
Tesco clothes are quite good sized. Jessica like myself is quite broad at the shoulders and body and things were always snug from the waist up. She has evened out now but never was fat. I would tell anyone who insinuates otherwise to go to hell. How rude of them.

Next are hit and miss sometimes.
We had similar issues with Biffa Stan and it was often just a case of getting the bigger sizes and rolling up arms and legs :?

Please don't get down about it, she's just a lovely bouncing babba. Stanley has slimmed down loads over the last year, those gorgeous baby rolls don't last :hug:
I'm no help with where to shop, but can you sew? Maybe you could try doing some of your own and then she'd have unique clothes.
:hug: I don't know about clothes but I just wanted to send you some hugs! Peoples comments are horrible!!!! But then Ivys got my round cheeks and everyone calls her chunky shes still in newborn clothes at nearly 5months!!!!!!! Why can't people learn the Bambi "if you can say anything nice, Don't say anything at all" I bet your LO is gorgeous! From what I can see in your avatar she looks like a happy, beautiful little girl! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
The clothing manufacturers are probably taking their measurements from babies that are hovering around the average line on the centile chart.

:hug: :hug:

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