Delayed food allergy? *update more pics*


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2007
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Hmm. Not sure if you remember but I mentioned when I gave Oliver peanut butter, the day after his face was a bit blotchy and red. It went down within the day and I didn't think anything of it. I figured it was just a rash he'd picked up but I remember about him having the peanut butter the day before because it was the first time he'd had it.

Okay, so Thursday morning I gave them peanut butter on toast again. And again no problems while he was eating it. Mark brought them home from after work on Friday and Oliver's face was slightly blotchy, just a little patch under his eye. He wakes up this morning and his face is blotchy and red....

Ok, so now I'm thinking about the connection with the peanut butter. I check online and there is such a thing about 'delayed food allergy'

I'm going to look into it more, but does anyone know anything about it? And if it's likely this could be what Oliver has?

It is only his face that is affected, the rest of his body is fine...

It's now worrying me, I could pass of last time as a one off, but now it's happened again? If it is a delayed food allergy, could it turn into an immediate food allergy?
The flash whitens it but you can see it kinda

its more red than this


Ah cute! I have no advice though, sorry. I just didn't wanna read and run

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Id def go to the doctors to ask. that looks like a reaction to me
I'm not sure, I would of thought the reaction would be quicker than that but i'm not a doctor so don't know!

I did see a real life medical programme some time ago where a one year old little girl was having a severe reaction to peanut butter, her skin was red and blotchy but she also had difficulty in breathing.

I do know that the more you have say peanut butter the worse your body will respond to it so I would definitely take your LO to the doctors and explain what has happened. They should take this sort of thing very seriously! Oliver could have some skin tests to see if it is peanuts he's allergic to then at least then you will know for sure.

I hope I haven't scared you even more but I think it's best to be safe than sorry :hug:

Hope the little fella is ok today :hug:
i'm honestly not sure about delayed allergys but that particular rash does indeed look like a reaction rash to something, take the pics and see what the drs say - be interested to know x
I always thought that food allergies looked more like a raised nettle sting rash. I'm prob wrong.

Let us know how he is getting on. x
hmm yeah but i've looked online at reactions from food and his rash does look similar.

it's still around now over 36 hours after exposure. faded a bit but still there.

it's gone very dry now (not sure if thats cause he's just had a bath), but it's almost got an ezcema-ish look about it.

ive also noticed it on the inside of his elbow and a small bit on his tummy

some more pics from tonight...




im not sure, but i would take him to a docs. any unexplained rash and that would be my gut instinct.

(even though he has a rash, he still seems a happy chappy! cute guy!)
yep he seems fine in himself! just like normal, it doesnt seem to itch either.
thats not far off what lelands excema looks like ? doc best bet x
G3M said:
thats not far off what lelands excema looks like ? doc best bet x

Thats what I was gong to say. It looks very much like how Aimees eczema started.
yeah it does look like ezcema - now anyway, it did start off blotchy when it first came up.

i know ezcema can be aggrivated by allergies.

will be able to give the dr's a ring this morning in about an hour, so will see what they say!
ooh sorry I didn't realise I hadn't updated.

Yep, well I took him to the Dr's on Tuesday, and she says that rash looks like ezcema.

Basically she never said if it was an allergy or not. But told me to avoid food with nuts in, and food made from nuts (marzipan etc).

I'm not really happy about it. She didn't talk about allergy testing, or even if she thinks he is allergic to nuts or not.

He has his injections next week, so I'll be speaking to the health visitor about it.

All these things going on with him. The allergy, this breath holding zoneing out thing. What's happened to my healthy little guy?
ahh!!!! that explains it then!!!

i couldn't figure out why I didn't update you all!!!!

Preggo-brain! lol :wall:
Hiya. Isaac developes a rash when he eats too much tomato sauce. The rash is like nettle sting, a white spot in the middle surrounded by a red blotch and it appears anywhere on his face or body. He has sauce still but just a little at a time and only heinz, not the cheaper stuff. I suffer from oral allergy syndrome which means I have a topical reaction in my mouth to certain fruits which involves my mouth swelling and itching. I carry antihistamine with me and an epipen at all times just incase my allergy becomes severe. I basically avoid uncooked apples, peaches, nectarines that sort of thing. My GP didn't send me for any tests but told me I could carry out tests at home by rubbing certain foods on my lip and waiting for a reaction (yeah like I'm going to do that!) :roll: I avoid nuts simply because the reactions to nuts can be really severe unlike the itching and swelling I get with fruit.

I hope your little man is well. I'd say don't risk it anymore with the peanut butter, at least untill he is older and could cope with any symptoms better or at least tell you if he feels funny in his mouth or chest, just avoid nuts altogether if I were you hun.

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