Peanut Allergie


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2005
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Hi all

I am so angry just thought i would let people know......

I was up A&E with Ellis on sunday after he eat a tiny piece of peanut butter.... first his eyes looked red and itchie the they started to swell... then his lips swelled up and his whole face was red and blotchy. Luckly his tongue did not swell so i was VERY lucky.

I am so angry because..... i was the mug that did not eat one peanut through my pregnancy as advised by midwifes etc, to PREVENT my son from getting a nut allergie! looks like it did the opposite... now just have to wait and see if Kyla has it too!!

Keely xxx
I know how you feel, I went through exactly the same thing with my son when he was about a year old. He had the tiniest bit of peanut butter on the end of his finger but swelled up so bad. It's hard to believe so little can cause so much swelling!! It's really frightening as well cos there's not much you can do about it. I was told to give my son some piriton or similar allergy medicine and just wait it out! It was awful.

This was after following all the rules and not eating anything you are advised against during pregnancy. Yeah, that really worked!! I won't be doing it this time, I'm eating what I want, when I want - within reason, obviously.

Thankfully my son has now outgrown his allergy, as I was told he could. Apparently lots of infantile allergies can just vanish by the time your child is 18 months - 2 years. We found out by accident just a few weeks ago when we caught him climbing on a chair to reach daddy's snickers out of the fridge! We always put nuts out of reach since his reaction to them but now the little monkey is wise to it. Anyway, he had already had a big bite from it, which would easily have been enough to set him off, but he never had any reaction to it at all so we are presuming he is ok now. Fingers crossed your child will grow out of it too! x
Keely said:
Hi all

I am so angry just thought i would let people know......

I was up A&E with Ellis on sunday after he eat a tiny piece of peanut butter.... first his eyes looked red and itchie the they started to swell... then his lips swelled up and his whole face was red and blotchy. Luckly his tongue did not swell so i was VERY lucky.

I am so angry because..... i was the mug that did not eat one peanut through my pregnancy as advised by midwifes etc, to PREVENT my son from getting a nut allergie! looks like it did the opposite... now just have to wait and see if Kyla has it too!!

Keely xxx

Oh bless him. I'm glad hes ok though!! Is he ok with other foods that contain nuts? Most foods contain nuts or traces now days
My mum told me its advisable to wait until child is 4/5 to to try them with nuts.

Ive never let my son have peanut butter but he has had nuts in choc spread and other things and no problems so far but will hold off from actual peanut butter until he 4.
hi hun :wave: havent seen you around in a while, you ok? hows kyla doing? poor ellis, i bet that was so scary. hope he's on the mend xx :hug:
thanks for the replies girls... ellis is fine now he has been refured to a pediatrition... (haha havent got a clue how to spell that!! child doctor) haha

I also heard they can grow out of it for fingers crossed! xxx
glad he's ok. :hug:

im worried bout peanut allergy probably more than most mums- my baby's daddy is fatally allergic to peanuts- and i have athsma, so missypops is very VERY high risk :(

and i ate a tracker bar when i was about 10/11 weeks pregnant (before i was told not to eat nuts)

ill wait until she is 3 before i even consider trying nuts even then ill be very very cautious but im gonna have to just to find out if she has inherited his allergy or not. it wont be fun :(

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