delayed breastfeeding


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2007
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Hi everyone, haven't been on for ages cos my laptop broke, Jack was born 12/08 - I bottlefed him from the start but now regret my decision. Spoke to health visitor today and she said it's not to late to start and if I give him breast for comfort over next few days alongside his bottles I should start producing milk and then can feed him from that. Trouble is I'm struggling to get him to latch on. Any tips?
Well done you for having a go at relactation :)

I'm afraid I can't help much but I know we have some real trained b/f experts on here.

I'm going to move this to feeding and nutrition as I think they're more likely to pick it up there. Good Luck! :D
I'm gonna move this to the "Babies and Toddlers: Feeding and Nutrition" section as I think more people will be able to help you there.

Urchin said:
I'm gonna move this to the "Babies and Toddlers: Feeding and Nutrition" section as I think more people will be able to help you there.


Haha BEAT YOU! :rotfl:
I'd give a breastfeeding counsellor a call and see if they can visit, or go along to a breastfeeding group. It will definately be better to see someone face to face who can help with latching on.
Make sure that you're drinking and eating lots, offer him the boob loads, maybe have a feed in and go to bed with him for a day. Lots and lots of skin to skin, try bathing with him (like a rebirth, that can really help). You can get thin feeding tubes that you can use with formula but tape to your breast (think that's how they work) so he suckles at your breast and gets milk still which stops him from getting frustrated, but he also stimulates your milk supply. Try hand expressing if you haven't got a pump, you need to get your supply up (an electric pump would be best for this) and pump whenever you can.

Good luck!
Also try nipple shields... they have the impression and feel of a bottle teat and he may find it easier to move between the 2.

leckershell said:
Also try nipple shields... they have the impression and feel of a bottle teat and he may find it easier to move between the 2.



i used these when i was engorged when my milk came in. it really helped riley to latch on

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