Glad you're well too. I have found that keeping baby's gender a surprise seems to be relatively rare!
I also think I'm having a boy (I had a dream before we even started trying, haha!). My boyfriend wasn't keen to guess the gender but when I pushed him he said girl so that will be interesting!
I'm trying not to wish my life away but I can't wait to meet baby!
December still seems so far away though! I think I'm just worrying about what's to come with my 2 previous babies stopping moving/growing and having to deliver early. I hope it will be different this time! First growth scan is on 4th October and I can't wait to see baby again.
I'm excited to hear what all the team yellow babies turn out to be. It will be so strange if I am wrong with my feeling as I have had a feeling with all my other babies and have been right. I'm trying to stay open minded because everyone else thinks girls except me!
Super out of the loop because I'm not on facebook so I wanted to say Hi and I hope everyone is keeping well. Baby's arrival seems nicely imminent now!
How is everyone feeling?
I can't wait to meet baby but I'm also enjoying the time I have now and getting things lined up. I start my maternity leave November 20th, I think it will feel more real at that point. When does everyone else go on leave?
Anyone else started dabbling with eating dates? Haha!
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