Hunnie, it is a very good question you asked. It sounds like a lot of the girls here got into debt for very good reasons but I didn't, not really. I borrowed for living costs at uni which would have been ok but it kinda made me just feel that credit cards were for spending on so I spent everything I earnt each month some on bills but a lot on crap and I saved nothing so when something unexpected happened (car problems or something broke or even I wanted to go on a trip) I put it on cards. I didn't understand interest rates properley and the debt easily racks up. I'm not an idiot (i have a first class honours degree). I was just young and a bit silly and to be honest no one had every thought me about money, my parents and school never told me anything and my friends all seemed to live on credit. Fortunately my debts never got too high and once I realised they needed to get sorted I was able to deal with them quite quickly, but I have two friends who had to go bankrupt in their early 20s because they had spent too much on rubbish and racked up silly debts they could never pay back. I am definately going to teach my child about personal finance and how banks work because it does scare me how easy it is for debt to rack up.