Dear Baby-to-be


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2009
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Couldn't sleep last night so sat & wrote this in my journal & decided to share it. :)

Dear Baby-to-be,

You're just a twinkle in your Daddy's eye yet but we still love you more than anything in the world. We've been waiting twelve long months to meet you and it's strange to think that once we know you're on the way, we'll still have to wait another nine before you'll arrive. But we'll be patient because we're getting really good at waiting.

We're doing everything that we can to make a good place for you and I know that you'll come along when you're good and ready to. You clearly take after your mother because you've not even been conceived yet and you're not only incredibly stubborn but your time-keeping is as bad as mine too, kiddo!

Do it in your own time, little one, we're ready for you but I guess it's taking you a little bit of time to be ready for us. We'll just have to work on your organisation when you get here.

But try not to take too long, I have it on good authority that your Granda wants a little person to spoil rotten at Christmas. I hope this is the last one we have to spend without you.

Hope you're on your way soon.

Your Mummy-to-be
aww thats lovely kizzibea, what a great idea to write somthing like that!

How are you feeling today? hope the witch has stayed away for you still.
That is lovely Kizzi, really hope that the twinkle in your OH's eye isnt far from being a little person growing in your belly :dust::dust::dust: x x

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thats so sweet and cute for you to write'll be a great mummy :)
Wow that bought tears to my eyes, your words are beautiful kizza
beautiful xx made me cry xxx hope your baby is ready for you real soon xxx
Thanks girls.

It just felt like a good way to get some things off my chest. I've got a little scrapbook that I bought a year ago to put things in once I got pregnant and I liked the idea of writing letters to my unborn child, but the book's just been sitting empty for all this time, so I thought I'd write something that I could put into it just now. :)
Thats sooo lovely!! Reminds me of when i look up to the stars and ask all my loved ones that have gone to help me out. xx
Thats sooo lovely!! Reminds me of when i look up to the stars and ask all my loved ones that have gone to help me out. xx

That's a lovely idea. I love looking up at the stars on a clear night.
Thats sooo lovely!! Reminds me of when i look up to the stars and ask all my loved ones that have gone to help me out. xx

That's a lovely idea. I love looking up at the stars on a clear night.

It gives me a bit of hope sometimes. Hope that twinkle reads your letter soon!!
It's strange because writing it out like that kind of made me think 'we're doing everything that we can to get pregnant, we'll go and see a doctor soon, but really it's out of our hands, it'll happen when it happens' I feel a bit more relaxed about it now. :)
that was so nice it made me cry my eyes out. i feel so selfish hating my body for not giving me a BFP and im only on cycle 3
i hope your baby comes along just in time for next crimbo good luck hun
So beautiful, made me cry too.
lol, sorry couldn't resist ;)

Thats really sweet Kizzi. The thought of this being mine and hubby's last christmas without a baby is the one that seems to life my spirit more than more when i'm feeling down :hug:

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