Daytime Napping


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2007
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I need some advice ladies about where im going wrong :think:

DD will not sleep during the day and if im lucky enough to get her off for a nap she wakes up 10 mins later.

For example shes been up in her bed for half and hour now and ive had to go and settle her again 3 times already :wall:

She gets so overtired by the end of the day and im lucky if i get her to bed at her bedtime of 8 in the evenings, surely this is not enough sleep for a baby of her age.

Ive tried taking her out in the pushchair but again she will have 10 mins of a really light sleep if i stop the pushchair she will instantly wake up again, same with the car.

I wouldnt mind but with her teething aswell she requires my 100% attention 24/7 which is fine but i cant even leave her side to get something to eat or drink without her screaming. I need a break roll on the weekend :dance:
I know how you feel. Luke wants constant attention (always has) and barely sleeps in the day (or night for that matter actually). I'm often at the end of my tether :(

Daytime sleeps for us are aided by Bon Jovi blaring above him. It's the only way. Saying that, he sleeps well in the car. Pity I can't drive all day long, eh?

I have no advice for you I'm afraid but wanted you to know you're not alone. xxxx :hug: :hug: :hug:
Well since posting that shes been asleep for half an hour without waking up its a miracle :cheer:

I can actually finish my cuppa while its hot.

Hope you get a break soon Debbie.
Does your bab sleep through the night? Emms usually only has 3 naps of half an hour each time during the day and then sleeps from about 11pm to 9ish in the morning without waking. She is just a very active and alert baby - maybe yours is too - I think it's normal, every baby is different.
Angel doesn't sleep long in the day. She'll have 2 half an hour naps, will not sleep in the car and is far too nosey to sleep in the pushchair! I struggle to get things done in the day, and she wakes twice in the night. I think at this age they become very aware of things around them, and don't wanna miss out!
connor rarely sleeps in the daytime... and doesn't sleep much at night either tbh...

he has occasional naps (and sleeps in the car like luke) but is generally just hyper all the time. i have to hold him or actively play with him if i don't want to be screamed at :roll: :roll: there is only so much i can do round the house with him in a sling :wall:

i think some babies just don't need as much sleep as others. i keep getting told that its a sign of intelligence (tho i slept all the time as a baby :think: :shakehead: ) and i cling on to that hope!! lol

:hug: :hug: :hug: to us and our demanding children!!
I feel for you honey. I echo what everyone else is saying at the moment. My LO sounds just the same as Lisa's- too nosey to sleep when out in the pushcahir and waking twice a night. I also struggle to get things done.

It wasn't always the case, I went through a patch a month or two ago where LO would go down for about 3 or 4 good naps every day and would sleep from 7pm til 4am without waking and then from 4am to 7am without any bother- it was bliss!

To get to this point I was loosely following the plan from one of the baby books- the baby whisperer which in its totally boiled down form is Eat- Activity-Sleep. As soon as baby wakes up feed then play/change bum/go for a walk until you see the tell tale sleep signals- yawn or rubbing eyes and after 2 or three of these put down for a nap. Works great in theory!

I still try to follow this but LO will fight to stay awake and works herself up and then ends up hungry when she should be asleep etc etc :wall:

You have my sympathy- as do all the others who posted a reply to you- it's exhausting and non stop and once they've gone to bed at night there's till the ironing, washing, cleaning to do before any time for yourself... but hey we knew it wasn't going to be easy. It's a good job our LO's are so adorable and a smile is the perfect reward for all of our time and energy! :D
do you have to put her upstairs for a nap? maybe she wants to nap near you?
Thomas will nap on the sofa or on the floor on a pillow or playmat anywhere really
maybe its worth a go as she will still be able to sence you nearby
Im so glad someone else has posted about this too! I thought I was the only one!
My sister in laws little girl has always napped for 1-2 hr long periods twice a day and mil thinks its odd that alex doesnt. She asked me the other day how I try to get him to sleep - where do I put him down etc.. I explained that I have tried everything, pushchair, cot, travel cot (in lounge), even the car, he still always wakes.
Alex only sleeps every 3 hours for roughly 30mins - never longer than 40! Normally by the time Ive boiled the kettle for a cuppa and sat down and drank it hes awake again! He too likes all of my attention all day long! Hes very alert and even taking him out in his pushchair hes wide awake looking all around and taking everything in!
He does sleep through the night from 8 till 8 normally so I cant complain! Although this week hes been poorly and has had us up most nights! and still no sleeping in the day! Just constant crying!!!! :(
I tend to put Ellie down during the day for a nap downstairs with me on a blanket or her changing mat & she tends to sleep better than upstairs in her cot :)
Glad im not the only one. :D

She wont sleep downstairs inless im holding her but then that defeats the object :wall:

Oh well at least i have a reason not to do the housework.
For daytime naps I'm keeping Louis in the same room where I am, that is very often bedroom for the morning nap (he is happy staying on his changing mat on our bed) and living-room for the afternoon nap (most often on his playmat)...
I'm trying to keep his bed for night-time only :sleep:
His naps have become shorter though over the past couple of weeks...
It seems that there are plenty of 'short-nappers' here!!! My LO has three naps, each 20 - 40 mins.

My friend was complaining the other day how her 7 month old baby only has one nap each day that she doesn't get much done. When I asked how long does her baby nap, she said for 2.5 hours :shock: :shock: :shock:

Could you imagine a baby sleeping from noon to 2.30pm every day???? I wouldn't know what to do with myself :rotfl: :rotfl:
In a way it's sooo good to hear I'm not the only one! James never seemed to need as much sleep as other babies. when people say that their LO sleeps for two hours I'm just jealous. He's a bit better now (8 months) but still only has a half hour here and there. I remember when he was about 4 months was the worst. Often just used to sit by him in the cot patting him till he went off, but it didn't always work. My smilies aren't working, so "hugs".
Oh God!!! My Lo is exactly the same...I am trying everything but she really fights it. She's good at night time I just put her down at 7.30 and she's asleep in 5 mins, BUT in the day I have to work out when she's tired (normally when she starts getting grrumpy! :roll: ) and rock her to sleep then when I try to put her down she wakes up!!! Arrrrggggghhhh! I've tried putting her in her bed when she looks tired but she won't go to sleep. The only 100% way of doing it is going out in the car but as soon as we get home she wakes up!!! :D

So sorry not much help but I have a Lo the same, so you know it's not just you...totaling about 2 hour a day (made up of 20 min naps at a time!!!)

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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