Daytime Food Routine


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2005
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I'm worrying that I'm feeding Charlie too much and too often, I keep thinking he wouldn't take it if he didn't want it but wanted to check with everyone what they do?

Our routine goes as follows:

Wake at 8.30am, wash,dress, cereal and 7oz milk and he will then go back to sleep until about 11-11.30am.

Lunch at 12.30-1pm of vegetables followed by petit filous and then 7oz milk and play, he normally has a nap after though.

At 4.30-5pm he'll have 7oz of milk and then go for a nap for about an hour.

7.30pm he'll have a meat dish followed by a pudding and then bathed, dressed, put in his grobag and a 7oz of bottle, normally all by 8.30pm.

He then sleeps through.

I'm worrying as it seems like I'm filling him up all at once and I'm wondering whether I should be spreading his solids and his milk apart from each other. I've tried this but then his bedtime always gets later as I don't want the last 2 feeds to be so close to each other.

Help !!!! x
if he didnt want it hun he wouldnt have it
hell let u know
ur doing roughly the same as B was at 6 months
Hi hun I have a similar feeding routine with Ella

9am - 8oz milk and baby cereal (made using the 8oz bottle so she drinks a bit less)

12.30-1 pm - 8oz milk and baby rice (again made using the bottle)

4.30 - 8 oz of milk and 4 ice cubes of veggies

7.30-8pm - 8 Oz milk then bed!

I think as long as it works well for you both then its fine. If he was full then he wouldnt eat it. and hes sleeping through!

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