Day 4 in hospital with a chest infection


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2006
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My poor little man has been very poorly! He had a bit of a snotty nose for a few days and then on saturday night I woke up and realised he hadn't woken up for a feed and tried to go and wake him but he only managed to keep his eyes open for a few seconds at a time before falling a sleep. So we decided to take him to a and e. By the time we got there he had started turning blue around the edges and his oxygen levels where only 60. So he was put on a c-cap machine to help him breathe and had to stay on that for 3 days.

Now he is getting better and only needs a small amount of oxygen, but still has to be fed through a tube in his nose. I have no idea how long we have to stay in here for. But am hoping to get home by christmas so that I can spend some time with our older son for his second christmas.
Oh Kiki, what an awful ordeal! Glad he is on the mend and fingers crossed you are all at home together on Christmas!! :hug:
Sorry to hear he's been so poorly Hun glad he is on the mend now and hope your all home for Xmas! x
Awww I hope he gets better soon!
Must be a worrying time for you :(



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Day 12 at the hospital... But the good news is that he was taken of the oxygen today! So if he stays well over night we get to go home tomorrow morning!! Have not left the hospital since we got here and have started going insane now with the constant screaming of the sick children... Also I miss my oldest son so much as I have only seen him for a few hours every day when they come for a visit.

But hopefully this nightmare is over tomorrow just in time for the new year!
Jesus I didn think ud still be there!! My one has been in twice, second time was bronchiolitis. Each time was only 4 days and I felt like I was going mad! So glad he's improving tho hun xxx
Hope your LO is out in time for new year, hope he gets better soon x
Hi hun, thanks for asking! Yes, we got home at 7pm on the 31st... It was a long 2 weeks but he's made a full recovery so thats the only thing that matters.
oh gosh, so hard for you, being in hosp for xmas and not at home with your older child and first xmas with your new baby. So glad you got back for new years eve, must have been such a relief. Hope you're all doing ok x
I've only just seen this...poor little man :( So glad he's better x

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