dating scan and news

Good luck Keslo! I wasnt a big post for you once you are back and off Cloud 9 with pics and info about your mum's reaction!!!!

Good luck honey - I'm thinking of you.

Valentine xxx
thanks valentine.

think adam still wants to get both sets of parents together to tell them. so one set doesnt get funny bout who finds out first.

tbh i dont care, i just want to tell people now. my patience has run out.

if they want to kick up about who finds out first they can. at the end of the day its my baby and thats all i care about :)

so im going to tell my parents asap. cnt be bothered with a meal ect lol.

we dont even have a dining table to sit them at :lol:

ahh its getting close now :D

must nip to the esso to draw money out

fingers crossed i get a pic :pray:

ETA: anyone know how much they charge for a piccie?
want to make sure i take enough with me
Good Luck, I Hope everything is going well :hug:

By the way, probably too late but our hospital charge £2 per picture, but sometimes they give you them for free.

good luck for tomorrow honey...had mine today.,. ours dont charge, its a donation to the hospital...also the full bladder and sonograph thingy is a joy, thought i was going to wet so so worth it though...bxox
How did you get on Keslo? I am dying to hear!

Were your dates correct (I know you weren't too sure) and how did you get on with telling your folks?

Do you have any pics from the scan?

Valentine xxx
sorry guy :oops: so tired atm.

well i went. full bladder ect. got in there and her poked the think right into my bladder (was really bad lol)

well i wont keep you waiting longer than needed.....

im only 7.5weeks :( i was so hoping i was further along.

im now worrying as i thought i was past the main miscarrage time. i keep thinking if im going to loose it :(

i told my parents. i took photocopies of the pic and framed them and wrapped them up. they took it well. dad was happy. mom was abit more reserved and said it is up to me. but i dont think she was annoyed:)

we also told OH's parents who also took it well and brought us chinese yum yum.

gran was over the moon. i wish id had a camera to capture her reaction. she was so happy. it was brilliant :D

i was worried they wouldnt find anything. and as he told me there is a live pregnancy there im happy. and its all the more real now :)

here is the picture


you can see little bean in the corner. really tiny. im glad things are as ok as can be for this stage :)

they didnt give me a new EDD so i dnt know how im gna change my ticker. anyone know my EDD if i was 7.5 weeks on tuesday?

they didnt charge me for the pics which is great. there was a sign saying they were £4 each. bit expensive huh lol
Hi Keslo,

Off to catch the train so really quick post - but I was 7+3 on Tuesday so I imagine your due date must be 2 days before mine - 12 July - so you can get a new ticker now.

So pleased for you - at least everything is going well so far and make sure you take care. We'll go through all this together - whooppee!

Will post more later


Valentine xxx
thanks valentine. thats really nice :)

if you have msn can you add me? [email protected]

im usually on there quite alot. :)

its nice to know someone is at the same stage as me :)
forgot to say.

got my 12wk scan date. 2nd january.

also my mom said your more likely to loose the baby when you AF is due.

is this true?

im really worried about loosing lil bean.
also my mom said your more likely to loose the baby when you AF is due

They say most m/c occur before people know they are pregnant...know its hard but they also say your chance of a sucessful pregnancy increases once mum has seen heartbeat...

Glad scan went well anyhow
Hey Keslo,

I just wanted to say 'hi' again as my last post was quite rushed. I love your piccies - but I have to admit I'm a bit jealous - at least you have confirmation that you are pregnant and a pic - I just can't get it out of my head that I've made it all up and my body has convinced itself that it's pregnant - I know it's bonkers but I can't seem to shake this feeling. I love your pic though - I even showed it to my OH last night to show him what stage we were just past!

Only 4/5 weeks to go until we're passed the danger stage so it's not too bad. It does feel like ages but it's already 3 weeks and 2 days since I found out so it doesn't feel so long if you think about it like that. It will hopefully fly in anyway with Xmas and New Year and all that excitement. I'm trying to think of it in little bursts. My goals have been to: get to each week (i.e. 6 weeks, 7 weeks etc), to get to December. My new goals will be: to get to 2 months since my LMP (8th Dec), to get to 7 months before my due date (14th Dec) - you get the idea. Could you do this too?

I don't really use MSN - I'm sorry - but I'd love to keep chatting on here. Why don't you start a diary thread? I'd love it - I'm so nosy!

Lots of love and I'm looking forward to getting to know you both more over the next 7+ months!

Valentine xxx

Love your scan piccie, sorry your dates got moved back we would have been so close to eachother., oh well as long as bean is healthy.
Sorry your mom didnt take it to well but im sure it will change once she sees her grandbaby.
:oops: must have missed the replies :oops:

i might make a diary. ive been reading your valentine. and its a good idea :)

thanks *saulino* that is the main thing, bean being healthy :D

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