sorry guy

so tired atm.
well i went. full bladder ect. got in there and her poked the think right into my bladder (was really bad lol)
well i wont keep you waiting longer than needed.....
im only 7.5weeks

i was so hoping i was further along.
im now worrying as i thought i was past the main miscarrage time. i keep thinking if im going to loose it
i told my parents. i took photocopies of the pic and framed them and wrapped them up. they took it well. dad was happy. mom was abit more reserved and said it is up to me. but i dont think she was annoyed
we also told OH's parents who also took it well and brought us chinese yum yum.
gran was over the moon. i wish id had a camera to capture her reaction. she was so happy. it was brilliant
i was worried they wouldnt find anything. and as he told me there is a live pregnancy there im happy. and its all the more real now
here is the picture
you can see little bean in the corner. really tiny. im glad things are as ok as can be for this stage
they didnt give me a new EDD so i dnt know how im gna change my ticker. anyone know my EDD if i was 7.5 weeks on tuesday?
they didnt charge me for the pics which is great. there was a sign saying they were £4 each. bit expensive huh lol