Dangers of 'Super Chavs' Article


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2006
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BRITAIN is producing a generation of “super chavs” who are impossible to teach and will never work, a teachers’ leader said yesterday.
Ralph Surman, of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers, said there was an increasing number of NEETS — people not in education, employment or training.

He said they believe they do not have to develop even basic social skills, let alone manners.

Mr Surman warned taxpayers are having to keep the chavs, similar to TV’s Vicky Pollard, in their idleness.

Many are single mums.

Norman Wells, of Family and Youth Concern, said: “Many lone parents do an excellent job.

“But children fare better when they are brought up by a mother and father.”

Why does comin from a single parent family have such a stigma?

I was personally bought up just by my mummy til I was 3 when she met my stepdad (who Iv always called daddy) and it seems Im goin down the same route with Jamie, does this mean Jamie will be a pain in the ass at school or is that too much of a generalisation??? He says please, thank you, says hello and goodbye and is a copycat lol :lol: So I find this Ralph Surman abit of a numpty :roll:

Hmmm anyway, discuss please...NICELY :wink: :lol:
I think it's bollocks. There have always been single parent families. Granted there are more now, but why's that? Personally i'd be more concerned with the generation of men who apparently think it's ok to f*ck off and leave their kids in one way or another. But no,ofc it's all those feckless single mums! Bollocks I say,single mums are some of the most courageous peole around.

I hate these sort of articles.Look at the conditioning

Mr Surman warned taxpayers are having to keep the chavs, similar to TV’s Vicky Pollard, in their idleness.

Vicky Pollard is a caricature. A satire on certain aspects of humanity. It's like comparing an athlete to roadrunner,it doesn't MEAN anything.

:talkhand: So he thinks Evie would be better off having me and Jon living together arguing 24:7, lying to each other, not being happy and in the end resenting her for the fact we'd have to be together?!?

I think not. I'm a better parent on my own than me and Jon would be together. The only person who is worse off being a single parent family is me.

If anything, from people I know and personal experience (like Kay, the man I call my Dad is my stepdad), knowing how hard a single parent has it to bring up children alone they are more determined to succeed.
I think its rubbish. I was brought up by my mum and I dont go around wearing pink velour tracksuits and huge hoop earrings...well only of a weekend anyway!!! :lol:

Seriously I do think its another sweeping generalisation. I have seen many kids who are brought up in horrible environments with mum and dad both present and due to the climate and atmosphere they are forced to live in with arguments and the "role model" mother and father figures present they are far more likely to be "super chavs" than any child brought up by a single parent. I think I would have turned out a lot different (and not for the better) if I had continued to live with my dad as well as my mum - imagine Del Boy on a bad day and that was my Pa!
I agree with it and think its accurate *hides behind sofa*

I think when they say that children do better with both parents it obviously (I think) means with both parents in a happy stable relationship, so the article is having a dig at girls falling pregnant irresponsiby, like from sleeping around and one night stands so that they are basically 'making' themselves single parents, which you have to admit is wrong, selfish and plain stupid. I know accidents happen but you only have to watch Jeremy kyle to see how stupid some people are when it comes to contraception and sleeping around.

I also agree that there are more and more 'chavs' around who don't want to work, study or bascially have any usefull input into society and from that aspect I also totally agree with this article :D

Oh and BTW what courageous about sleeping with someone and using no contraception when you aren't planning to get pregnant? Not all singles mums are down trodden women who's men have buggered off and left them !
Lou said:
. the article is having a dig at girls falling pregnant irresponsiby, like from sleeping around and one night stands so that they are basically 'making' themselves single parents, .

I think the percentage of girls who 'make' themselves pregnant is tiny. Most are like me- I never imagined being a single parent but I fell pregnant because I thought "oh it will never happen to me" and wasn't worried about my pill not working when I was on anti biotics.

What about single women who get pregnant from sperm donors?
Jade&Evie said:
Lou said:
. the article is having a dig at girls falling pregnant irresponsiby, like from sleeping around and one night stands so that they are basically 'making' themselves single parents, .

I think the percentage of girls who 'make' themselves pregnant is tiny. Most are like me- I never imagined being a single parent but I fell pregnant because I thought "oh it will never happen to me" and wasn't worried about my pill not working when I was on anti biotics.

What about single women who get pregnant from sperm donors?

No offence jade but to think it wouldn't happen to you IS irresponsible, you have to admit. And your doctor should have warned you about the antibiotics.

I wasn't saying they deliberately make themselves pregnant, I meant by being stupid they allowed themselves to be at risk of getting pregnant IYKWIM ie no contraception etc...

As for the single women and sperm donors...I don't think the report was refering to them ladies to be honest :think: Its talking about 'chavs' with no sense of responsiblity :think:
"girls falling pregnant irresponsiby, like from sleeping around and one night stands so that they are basically 'making' themselves single parents, which you have to admit is wrong, selfish and plain stupid."

I know , but it is not solely the preserve of the woman to worry about contraception etc... also,it takes two to tango, unless the girl in question pinned down the guy and raped him...so i would argue that it is not only a case of girls falling pregnant irresponsibly,but men getting women pregnant irresponsibly.

But ofc there is the stereotype that a girl who has a one night stand is a silly slapper but a man who does the same,well it's somehow OK for him :|

Oh and BTW what courageous about sleeping with someone and using no contraception when you aren't planning to get pregnant? Not all singles mums are down trodden women who's men have buggered off and left them !
I think this is a bit unfair,Lou.
I'll have to have a look, but I'm pretty sure that a high proportion of single parents are divorcees.
Then there's the proportion that were co-habiting before they split.
Then there's the ones whose men DID just bugger off.

I seriously doubt that many girls actually act the succubus and shag a guy just to get pregnant.

And sometimes people make silly mistakes and deal with it. It takes bravery to be a single parent. One has to grow a thick skin. I think it's unfair focusing on a small minority of silly eejits who get themselves into bother,at the detriment of those decent women who are in difficult situations and trying to make the best of it

"As for the single women and sperm donors...I don't think the report was refering to them ladies to be honest :think: Its talking about 'chavs' with no sense of responsiblity :think:"

Lou, I'm a bit suprised, I would have thought that with your intellect,and analysis, which I usually respect and quite a lot of the time agree with- I thought you would have realised that in this sort of article, a crack at one stratus of society is a crack at them all. Do you think certain people who read this ae going to diiferentiate between one single mum and another?
Lou said:

As for the single women and sperm donors...I don't think the report was refering to them ladies to be honest :think: Its talking about 'chavs' with no sense of responsiblity :think:

But they are single parents too.

Perhaps I did fall pregnant 'accidentally' but not irresposibly- a lot of people on the forum would be class as irresponsible if you think like that. I was in a relationship, was living with Jon and at the time our relationship was good. It was accidental but not irresponsible
zebrastripes said:

"As for the single women and sperm donors...I don't think the report was refering to them ladies to be honest :think: Its talking about 'chavs' with no sense of responsiblity :think:"

Lou, I'm a bit suprised, I would have thought that with your intellect,and analysis, which I usually respect and quite a lot of the time agree with- I thought you would have realised that in this sort of article, a crack at one stratus of society is a crack at them all. Do you think certain people who read this ae going to diiferentiate between one single mum and another?

Well yes because its in keeping with what the article is about :think: He wouldn't just throw in some random comment about single mums if it bore no relevance on the articles subject matter :think:

Well thats how I read it anyway :D

:lol: :lol: :lol: I can see my plans for today going tits up!
Jade&Evie said:
Lou said:

As for the single women and sperm donors...I don't think the report was refering to them ladies to be honest :think: Its talking about 'chavs' with no sense of responsiblity :think:

But they are single parents too.

Perhaps I did fall pregnant 'accidentally' but not irresposibly- a lot of people on the forum would be class as irresponsible if you think like that. I was in a relationship, was living with Jon and at the time our relationship was good. It was accidental but not irresponsible

Well lets just say thats a matter of opinion then :D to some it would be accidental to others irresponsible, but hey i'm not the sex police! :lol: You don't have to answer to me hun :D
I iz well irresponzible ya get me!!

Ok not helpin my case am I, I always said Id have an abortion if I was idiotic enough to get preggas before I was married etc - PFFFFT WORKED THAT DIDNT IT!! but tell me that havin Jam was a mistake and we'll see how far it gets you...

Winds me up that all young, single mums are generalised to be some sort of sub species, I do a damn gd job raisin my boy and compared to some of the '2parent' families kids that go to his nursery, theyre too wrapped up in eachother to raise their kids properly :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead:

so Lou, are u sayin that single parent families are all bad or are there are situations when it is feasible that a kid can have one parent and not the other?
I dont understand why they one minute talk about chavs then the next that children do better brought up by both parents?!
I personally dont link the two!
Not all single parents are chavs or superchavs and I do think it unfair to put them all in the same boat!

Yes there is a loads of "superchavs" and NEETS lol but they aren't all single parents and all single parents aren't Superchavs or NEETS!

My mum was a single parent when her and my dad divorced when I was 3! He was having an affair! I find it offensive that she be compared to a NEET when she worked her ass off for me and my sis while bringing us up on her own (my dad moved to Torquay for a while after)

Im not a superchav because I came from a single parent family either?! Nor will my children be!
Hey Hey Hey !!!! Stop right there :talkhand:

the report says...MANY ARE SINGLE MUMS

So it WAS refering to 'super chavs' and not all single mums


mummykay do you really think I'd say ALL single parent families are bad :shock: Read my first post matey :D

Stop putting words into my mouth for gods sake :lol:
I know but they have kinda been put in the same boat havent they!?
To start with talk of superchavs then follow on to say that most are single parents and children do better brought up by both parents to me sticks them all together!
Maybe I just get a bit touchy with the subject as my mum brought me up well and I hate the sweeping statements that are made about single parents not doing the job properly!
Lou said:
Hey Hey Hey !!!! Stop right there :talkhand:

the report says...MANY ARE SINGLE MUMS

So it WAS refering to 'super chavs' and not all single mums


mummykay do you really think I'd say ALL single parent families are bad :shock: Read my first post matey :D

Stop putting words into my mouth for gods sake :lol:

*mental image of me shovin words and phrases in Lous gob* LOOOOOOL :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

nah I know what u mean, ZS hit it on the head when theyre referrin to friggin Vicky P, shes a creation based on aspects of society but theyre actually takin her as gospel that thats what we are all like :talkhand: :talkhand: :talkhand:


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