Dancing Baby!


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2005
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Coby loves being in his door bouncer, he always dances when i play music, i just had to show you all.

its a bit dark, sorry abou that, its not dark in the room so i dont know why it came out like that.


for some reason its not letting you see it right away, so once teh page is up, refresh it and it should show you it then


AWW that is soo cute Layla great little dancer he is :D
Looks like he shares your taste in music Layla, he's a little cutie :D
layla, coby is great, i will have to film liam in his.

hope you are feeling better.

Absolutly brilliant! I was waiting for him to start headbanging!! :lol:

So cute!

Do you recommond those door bouncers? I wondered whether to get one for Heidi when she is ready

L x
yeah they are great,

I used to be so worried about them, in case the frame broke and it came down in his head etc, but i wouldnt be without it now

sooooooooooooooooooo cute he makes me chuckle

Ooh might get one for her. I can just imagine her in one - She's a right Miss stress-head it will be right up her street!!!!!

L x
i have spent so much money on things for Coby to try to keep him amused, £50 on a baby gym £50 on a hop n pop £30 on a bumbo, i have just sold the hop n pop and bumbo coz he hates them.

after spending out all that its the cheap door bouncer that he loves! and i have had it in the cupboard all this time lol

i defo recommend it

Lol Layla - reckon I will be the same. At the moment she has this fascination for Pocoyyo (on CBeebies have you seen it!?) well my sister-in-law bought her the toy so she is well away. I can just imagine what she would be like in that bouncer when the music came on, on the telly!

Just shows how they arent fussy - Heidi has lots of new toys what friends and family bought for her - yet it is the stuff I have had for free or from car boots that she takes the most interest in!!!

L x
ahhh thats great, he does alot more in it than Aimee does, she just sits there and stares at her feet !
I must have missed this. He is so cute dancing away

lisa31 said:
At the moment she has this fascination for Pocoyyo (on CBeebies have you seen it!?) well my sister-in-law bought her the toy so she is well away. I can just imagine what she would be like in that bouncer when the music came on, on the telly!

Pokoyo rules!!!!!! There are toys??? My OH is going to love that :D
Lol Beanie - yes there are toys - have a look on the website (apparantly thats where she ordered the toy from!)

I have just took a photo of them together! I will post it on here when shes gone bed!

I love pocoyyo too!! :D

L x
This is Heidi's reaction when she sees Pocoyyo!!!


L x

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