DAMN! help ladies.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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Basicaly I think I've read wrong, me and OH havent got on very well last few days so clearly havent :bd: but I thought it was ovulation day today, but I've just worked it out and I might've ovulated yesterday.

Realisticly now girls, I've :bd: twice last friday and once this morning thinking it was ovulation day, what are my chances of being pregnant this month?

I think I've totally mucked it up :(

ALSO I've checked like 4 sites and two of them say I ovulated yesterday and the other two say I'm ovulating today, what the hell!!! :(
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Hey Hun.

Dont panic, if you are not charting or using OPK's then you will never know exactly when you have ovulated. I think all these sites are unpredictable and can only give you an estimate anyway.

Your always in with a chance regardless :)


agree with Louise! dont rely on the sites..
i read online a few weeks back that the egg stays around for up to 12-48 hours
your fertile days are 2-3days before ovulation and 1-2 days after!
so you never know!! keep positive :) xxx
Thanks girls, the fact that the egg stay around for 12-24 hours has made me a little calmer lol, so if I have ovulated yesterday I'm definitely in with a chance cause we :bd: around 6 this morning :D xx
Put it this way. If you've done the deed anywhere near the right time you're in with a chance. If you really want to pin down the day you OV you might want to try OPK's. The internet cheapies are nice and affordable. Also charting your BBT helps to pinpoint it too.

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