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Dam sure my waters have gone...


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2007
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...but have no proof for the maternity ward :wall:

I rushed to the loo at approx 9pm for what I thought was a wee but when I got there I just gushed :oops: :talkhand: and when I looked (coz i was a bit taken back) it was 90% clear fluid. Had a normal wee inbetween I think :think: (wasn't really thinking I had to count them :shock: :lol: ) and then around 11.30pm rushed to the loo and had another majorly watery gush :oops:

Didn't want to get myself too excited but felt noticably 'frumpier' and a bit smaller. Decided not to say anything to hubby and went to bed approx 12am - hoping to be woken by contractions if it really was all systems go :roll:

Actually woke up to a teeny bit of a trickle and some period cramps at approx 3.30am.
Rang maternity at 3.45am to advise I thought my waters had gone and was there anyway I could come in some time in the morning to be checked over. Was advised to put a pad on, go back to bed and ring them again later on today when I'd been able to get something on the pad and they'd send a midwife over to my house to check it all :think: :shock:
Not what I was expecting.....

Well it's just hit 5am and I seriously don't think there's really anymore to come out :wall: Pad's dry still and although I KNOW I look and feel smaller and flabbier....I'd just REALLY like a midwife to confirm what stage I'm at before I go telling hubby and my mum. Mum will have to pull a sicky at work and make the 2.5hr drive up here to be with me as my birth partner and hubby has been off work for the last 3 weeks and it's his first day back today so I REALLY want to try and get him to go to work and at least do a week or two before putting in for his 2weeks paternity leave (unpaid :shakehead: ) just so that he's not in any kind of trouble.

He woke up when I was looking for my pads (after over 8months they were burried at the bottom of a box! :lol: ) so he'll know somethings up but I told him it was nothing and to go back to sleep :rotfl: I'm sure he wont go to work if he thinks I'm going to go into labour whilst he's there (6pm finish, home by 7pm) :wall:

Text my midwife and will wait for her reply before I bother ringing the ward.
Feel a bit sick....my boobs KILL!!...and I did have some back ache which is now just a really sore tummy and pelvis...can't sleep so have snacked on some cereal and about to take some pain killer. Oh the joys :shock: :rotfl:
Hey hun.. i would just go into emerg and get them to check you over! they cant send you away still wondering and if you go now then you will know before OH has to start work and before your mum is up then you can gave her a quick call. i would defo go get checked hun as your so sure and it will put your mind at rest! Just think, if this was it (and it really sounds promising) then you will be holding your baby VERY soon :cheer: :cheer:
Hey babe. Sorry I didn't reply I logged off cause I didn't think anyone would be around at 5am :lol:

In the end I curled up on the sofa with a pillow and fleece blanket and a paracetamol and watched the news until I finally drifted off about 6.20am.....only to be woken up at 7.20am by hubby waking up and coming downstairs :lol:

I've got some really nasty sore pains in my pelvis/lower tummy :( They're not nice at all. A lot more than anything I've had before. I'm probably going to have to top up the paracetomol. I took one late last night just to take the edge off and did the same this morning at 5am but that's because I was only dealing with back aches....these new pains are definately going to need 2!!! :shock:

And I'm definately not mad cause hubby can see that I'm a fair bit smaller :D :roll:
He's told me he'll go to work but when I'm in established labour and going to hospital I need to tell him if he's still working and he'll try to get down ASAP :hug:

Just trying to get hold of my mum. I sent her a message telling her to be on standby and to let me know she got my message - and so far nothing :wall:

My midwife will be on shift at 8.30am so hopefully will get more advice on what to do then.

My midwife rang me up pretty muchy straight after that post because she'd turned her phone on early to get a phone number and she thought she better ring me :D
She told me if I thought they'd started going at 9pm then really I should have been admitted last night for a quick check up and that she'd come over herself but she's covering someones sick day so she's in clinic from the start of her shift until 12pm and she didn't want to leave me that long without a check up.
She said to ring the ward back saying I've got pains and make sure they realise it was 9pm my waters went. Said to contact her with the result.

Rang ward and got same midwife as before :wall: She's basically said that as I'm not having regular contractions she thinks I'm perfectly fine waiting until the afternoon when my midwife is available for a home visit and also again about the fact that by now I should have a wet pad by now as your waters 'don't just stop, they keep going'.....(can't have a never ending supply in there surely?! :shakehead: )
I took her name and gave her my midwifes name.

Rang my midwife back again who wasn't impressed and still doesn't want to leave me until after 12pm before I get seen, so she is going to try and get cover to nip over herself or she will try and get a colleague to come over and check me.
Will keep you posted :wall:

i hope you are feeling ok this morning, but that things are moving for you, hopefully you will hear from your midwife soon :D
i guess we posted at the same time :lol:
bloody waiting game :wall:
Bloody hospitals!!!!! :twisted: Why are the midwives there like demons??? Good luck and I hope your CMW visits soon...... keep us posted!! :hug: :hug:
Hope you manage to get seen soon, it's absolutely ridiculous that they don't seem interested, I would keep at them. When your waters break your body keeps producing more until the baby is born so it does usually keep leaking. However it could be your forewaters and the baby's head stopping the rest coming out.

I would keep at them! Good luck :hug:
Good luck with your midwife visit, hope you get seem sooner rather than later. :hug:
Good luck, sounds like things are really happening for you. Keep on at the M/W's, it definatly sounds like your waters and you really need to be checked over asap. Hope your ok. Keep us updated :hug: :hug:
Good luck hun! Sounds like you've had quite a night, hope you get some advice and support from the MW's soon.

Thinking of you,

Sarah x
Thanks girls :hug:

Well I've got a blinding headache and I feel sick. Tried eating and drinking some more and it doesn't make any difference.
My tummy feels like I've been lying on it and squashing it....that kind of sick :(

Hubby has gone off to work.....can't get hold of my mum for love nor money.
Sad to say that's about right....whenever I have an 'emergency' or 'issue' I can guaruntee you I wont be able to get hold of her and whenever I just wana chat about rubbish I get hold of her no problem :wall: Should have seen this coming..... :roll:

I will wait for community mw to come and tell me what she thinks and then if I need to I'll ring my mum's work place and tell them there's a family emergency :lol: Tis the only way I'm gona be able to get hold of her now. She's the administrator of the warehouse and so wont be able to leave work for anything less :roll: And they sell phones and computer games etc there so she'll have left her mobile at home or in the car as she's not allowed it on premises. Just can't believe she hasn't checked it when she's got up :wall:
What daftscotslass said could have happened. Baby could be plugging things up so stopping any more coming out.

Also keep on at them to see you, as usually they only give you 24 hours from waters breaking because of the risk of infection etc.
Its always the way :roll:
well everything crossed for you hun :hug:
Inshallah it will all go well and not take tooooooooooooo long :cheer:
:hug: :hug: :hug: Can't beleive it looks like you're going to beat me!!!

What time does the MW think she can get round??? Have your pains started any more frequently??

Gosh I'm sooooo excited.....someone who is due on the same day as me is going into labour which means it will be my turn soon :pray:

Let us now how you're going on and hope you get in touch with your mum soon :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hey sweety sorry i didnt reply, you see in Canada, when its 5am your time, its only midnight here :) . i saw your post just before i nipped off to bed :) sorry to hear that theres no futher progress i hope your midwife hurrys herself over and checks you both then you will know what going on! you must be pacing i know i would be! do you have a birthing ball maybe try that ? see if anymore waters come out :hug:
Thanks for all the kind posts :) . As it is I'm currently sulking :shakehead: :rotfl: I wasn't going to post until I had more to say but I thought you all deserved an update....

Midwife came over about 11am. She also mentioned about baby maybe pluggin up the hole if it was my fore-waters.
She then went on to examine me. Baby was free yesterday afternoon but it now most definately engaged and not likely to budge :D
The bad news is that I'd used an always pad and not a maternity one so although there was a trace of something 'wet' it was impossible to really tell what it was...but it definately wasn't soaked or anything like you'd apparently normally expect.

I then let her do an internal examination :shock: :doh:
And it bloody well hurt more than the last one I had!!! :wall:

Unfortunately she couldn't see or feel my cervix because it was too high up still :( I'd had 2 teeny bouts of strong pains just before she arrived but no contractions. As a result she couldn't really do anything because she couldn't proove that my waters had started to go :wall:
She basically told me that if I lost anymore fluid to ring the ward immediately and obviously if I was gettin contractions or unbearable pains but to otherwise just wait it out and keep my appointments over the next 2 weeks for my measurments assessment (4cm behind at present) and standard 40wk appointment.

Was so gutted having to tell my hubby. I know ladies on here get flase alarms all the time but I also find it VERY hard to believe that it was just my bladder whilst bumpy was engaging :shakehead: It was clear and gushing. I've had several 'normal' wee's now inbetween and these were definately different :?
I know I've also seen ladies on here turned away from hospital after being told they'd wet themselves - only to go into labour within the next 48hrs. I'm hoping that I can be one of those :lol: :wink:

I feel REALLY sore and rough (even before the internal!). I took some paracetomol again about 2hrs ago and have just started getting some nasty pelvis pains the last 30mins which are clearly noticable despite the pain killer. Just waiting for some contractions!!! :twisted: :twisted: :shhh: lol!!!

Chrissy - there's a chance yet you may beat me to it! But I'll be gutted as anything if you do!!! :rotfl:

[edit] babay&i - ahhh that explains it. Have popped on birthing ball now and will bounce around a bit :wink:
aww bless you hun :( i think for sure i would be sat with a right faceache on :lol:
did the middy give you some maternity pads or will you have to go out and get some? if you got some put them on asap and get bouncing away ;) lets hope this is it! i cannot beleive they would just shrug you off when you could be exposed to infection if that really was your waters! makes me angry! they could do a quick scan to tell them for sure! :wall: x
Really hope it all gets going for you honey :hug: :pray: xxxxxx

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