Daily Mail's at it again! Co-sleeping cribs.

What does a wooden bottom mean? Like wood then mattress then mattress protector then sensor mat then sheet then baby? It's so confusing!! x

It's just because on my one the bit under the mattress isn't solid, it's kinda like a big crib shape bag and then the mattress goes the bottom and it makes it more sturdy. So yeh on mine it would be bottom, wood, sensor, mattress, sheet, baby. I think the sensor goes under the mattress but I could be wrong, not really had a good look yet. Yours might have a solid bottom and you won't need the wood. xx
I might be wrong here, but it says not to leave baby unsupervised with the side down? But I'm sure it must happen where mummy or daddy falls asleep beside them in bed with the side down for longer than 90 minutes?


True, but in general when co-sleeping with your baby you are more likely to wake up if there is an issue. When my son was in the same room as us in the moses basket the slightest movement or noise he made woke me up!

I don't know if it's hormones or just paranoia, but after having a baby you never sleep as well again.

If your downstairs with the hoover on or in the shower etc with no monitor to see or hear baby, then there's less chance of hearing baby if there's a problem.
Oh the sensor goes under the mattress?? Who knew!! Jeezo, I thought I was getting to grips with things finally! x
I will never sleep again at this rate. Going to be worrying and checking constantly!
Oh the sensor goes under the mattress?? Who knew!! Jeezo, I thought I was getting to grips with things finally! x

I *think*! I've made it quite clear in the past that I know very little about babies and their stuff lol! xx
Ive ordered the bednest but planning on cancelling order today. I couldn't live with myself if something happened, knowing that I knew there was a small risk. That poor poor family!!
Ladies talking about the sensor mats.... take a look at the snuza hero!! We've been able to use it as soon as lo's cord fell off and it's been a god send as can be used anywhere! !!! Xx

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