Daddy talking to baby


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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Hubby last night was talking to baby and she was kicking :cheer: .

He said he felt like a pratt talking to my belly but I told him he was talking to his daughter.

Does him talking to her now mean she will recognise his voice when she's born?
That's awesome that she was kicking back in response - so looking forward to this!

If it's any help for him feeling like a wally (my OH is very conscious of it and only whispers to my bump!) then your baby should recognise Daddy's voice anyway as they can hear your two voices in general conversation *I think*.
Yeah!! Aww bless him! They say that they recognize voices outside the room...

"Her hearing is well established and she can make out a distorted version of your voice, the beating of your heart and your stomach rumblings.

Loud noises often heard in utero, such as the barking of a dog next door or the roar of a vacuum cleaner, probably won't bother your child when she hears them outside the womb.

Some studies seem to indicate that the unborn prefer classical music."

I was walking to work the other day from my car and some bugger beeped their horn REALLY loud and made me jump. Evie was kicking around like crazy so I'm sure it frightened her! They say sudden loud noises can startle them...

Awww thats sweet, im not sure baby will know daddys voice hear as all he seems to do to him is sing sheffield wednesday football, oh and tell him what fun they will have at the footy matches. TUT.
My dh talks to our baby through my belly button! whenever s/he is giving me heartburn or kicking me to death he will put his hand on and chat to it telling it to leave its mummy alone and the baby seems to calm down!! I hope that happens when baby is here!!
jills10uk said:
My dh talks to our baby through my belly button! whenever s/he is giving me heartburn or kicking me to death he will put his hand on and chat to it telling it to leave its mummy alone and the baby seems to calm down!! I hope that happens when baby is here!!

aww through your belly button....thats so sweet :D

OH seemed to be able to calm my bubs when he used to go mad, now he just kicks him in the head when he gets close to my tummy :rotfl:
My OH talks to Oscar everyday, normally when I get home from work. His stubble tickles my belly :lol:
Aww, i like to think they can hear/ recognise the voice :) I dont have much of a bump but OH still talks to my tum without realising sometimes bless him
my Dh talks to my bumps all the time too..... I'm not even sure if it's developed enough to hear yet!! :rotfl:
at what stage can the baby hear? Is it worth my husband talking to his baby son yet?
I think from about 16 weeks the outer ear develops (might be earlier) but the inner ear develops from about 13 weeks I think (it's worth looking up though as my memory is terrible!!)


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