Cyst pain :(


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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I've had bad pains on the left side of my bump since last night. I can recognise it as cyst pain cos I've had it so often before but obviously now I have the hormone PanicOverEverything-gen as well.
I was at a clients house this morning and the pain was so bad it shot up to my left boob :(. Just rung the triage midwife and she's not happy I haven't got a consultant and I have to go up to assessment ward tomorrow at 11.40. She said they will monitor me and get a doctor to assess whether I need special care for the cysts and fibroid.
Gutted I can't go shopping with my mum but I need to get the pain under control and sort out my head xxxxxxxxx
Pain is a horrible thing it affects you so much. Hope they start taking care of you better honey. xxxxxxxxx
I know they can do keyhole surgery after 15 weeks if it's on the point of rupturing and she said if the pain gets worse to go to a&e. Paracetomol doesn't touch it so no point in taking it :( . Hope you are ok too hun xxxxxxxxxxx
Babybrain do you mind me asking how big your cysts are? Only reason being is I found at 12week scan that I have a cyst on my left ovary Although they said nothing to worry about, I'm assuming this is what intermittently causes me sharp pains on my left hand side.

Hope the pain is getting better for you xxx sending you hugs
On the left side I have 2 cysts that are so close together they measured them as one as they couldn't tell exactly where they started/ended. The measurement she took was 59x57x28 mm at the time it was bigger than the baby :( . It's by no means the biggest I have had, the last one that burst left a fragment 6 inches long :shock:

How big was yours? Please don't panic about them hun, one of the cysts on my right ovary has gotten so small it wasn't worth measuring. It's only a problem for me because I have had them for a long time and they have burst in the past. 99% of the time ovarian cysts disappear on their own, nearly every woman gets at least one in her lifetime but never knows about it.
Ok you have me panicking now, I suffer pcos and I have cysts mainly on my left overy and at a scan last year before BFP one of them was quite large like a 5 inch diamater i think but it never entered my head it could cause a prob during the pregnancy and didnt even mention it to the MW, I have also been having lots of pain but just figured oh its only my cyst nothing to worry about ahhhhh panic stations now lol

Were they worried that if it bursts during pg it could harm the baby ? or did they just want the consultant to keep an eye on you to be safe as you are in a lot of pain?
Oh hugsy please don't panic. The pain from when one burst has sent me into shock before (the 1st time) I have never been so scared in my life and I ended up in hospital on morphine. Basically until then I never knew I had them but since then I have had others burst and I handled the pain with good old fashioned sobbing and gritting my teeth.
It's the shock that is the problem, the cysts cannot hurt the baby in any way at all, baby is well protected.
Another reason I need special care is that my Mum had ovarian cancer during her pregnancy with me and it's my biggest fear sending my stress levels sky high. We both made it through ok even though we were both only given a 10% chance of survival. I've inherited my problems from her so it's always been "in my face" really.
You should tell your midwife love, just so they can keep an eye on you xxxxxxxx
Oh ya poor thing that must be awful stress to have to contend with but obviously your doing well and they have not found anything ? Having survived against the odds is great though it goes to show how strong you and your mum must be so that a good thing :)

sounds awful having them burst hope you dont have to go trough that again hun ,

Im not too worried it was just a shock to read your tread cos its something that never even dawned on me is all so just wanted to ask what happened , but will mention it to mw tmrw thanks hun xxx
Mine was smll just over 3cm and weirdly enough for me I haven't been worrying about it as the sonographer at my scan said at that size it'll prob go on it's own.
To be honest have never really known much about them and certainly didn't want to start googling!!

FX you start to get some relief from yours xx
Hope they can help you out tomorrow hun :hug:
Have rung in sick to work today, been awake most of the night in pain :(. Baby is fine though, used the doppler this morning and I think he even swam over to be nosey cos his heartbeat got really loud rofl. I'm not leaving the assessment unit til they sort me out, I'm not going through another 5 months of this xxxxxxxxxxx
Oh honey you dig those heels in and get them to do something!!! Be thinking of you today. xxxxxxxx
Sorry to hear it's no better. Make sure you try and relax as much as possible today.

Sending you big hugs xxx
I had a very large cyst prior to ds. Painful isn't the word. I would be doubled over until one morning OH said enough was enough & they took me in. The cyst had twisted around the ovary, the pedicle & tube was twisted and on the ultrasound both ovaries were on one side. After taking it out etc the cyst was over 13cm so I know how painful they can be.
Because of this I had terrible pain with ds lying on scar tissue and was on tramadol for the entire pregnancy so they can you something decent for the pain too.

I sympathise...their not nice at all! Xxx

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