

Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2010
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Hi girls,

So I have been reading my PCOS book for a while and following the diet plan etc, lost loooooooads of weight, exercising and everything and for ages and it didn't make a difference to my cycles. last 3 cycles have been 32 days, 30 days and this month.............28 days!!!!!!!!! I had ov symptoms on day 14 too but just thought it was a fluke. The 30 day one I was on clomid, but not for the first one or this one. Do you think all my hard work is paying off? Not that its helping me get pregnant :wall2: but its a step.....or is it just due to the clomid last cycle? xx
I think that losing weight will definitely be playing some part as i believe that some women are effected much much more by being overweight than others.

Congratulations :) It's not easy!
You are right its not easy....I lost 4 stones but it was over a year ago, strange how its just having an effect now! Ironically the weight piled on really quickly too so I'd only had it a year or so xx
Well done for losing the weight, that is excellent I am sure it is making a difference to your cycles. xx :)
Yes definitely think the weight loss has made a difference in helping your cycles I have read loads of stories of women losing weight and getting their bfp's, keep up the great work hunny xxx
Yes , yes and yes . Go you . My cycles were erratic then i lost 2 stone and they have slowly come to a more normal way , still off but better than months apart. Obv the clomid gave me a real short cycle this time at 28 days with spotting on 27 but i do still have a short leutal phase x

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