Csec or 'natural' after third degree tearing??


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2013
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Quick poll please ladies as I am all over the place on this one....

Okay, following 3rd degree tearing (three day labour with baby back to back ending in forceps and 60 stitches) last time round (12 months ago) and a fear of incontinence etc. suddenly panicking me as delivery approaches, would you opt for another 'natural' attempt or opt for the elective csec (I have been given the choice) appreciating csec is major surgery, not without risks, and I have a 1 yr old to chase after....

Baby is currently back to back again, due in 3 weeks, and I am sh***ing it...... Feel like I've only just got my vajayjay back!!!!
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I know how you feel hun, I had a horrendous labour with third degree tears and an episiotomy and honestly my bits were a bloody mess for a good 6 months before they even felt remotely like they used to. It is a tough one on the one hand I feel like atleast if you have a natural labour you won't be stuck in hospital for ages plus if you have a section you can't lift anything heavier than a kettle for 2 weeks and the healing process is different for everyone. But then if you go down the natural route it is the worry that your bits will get just as messed up if not more and will they heal as well second time round?

I might have to have a section myself due to placenta issues (I find out tomorrow) and part of me wants it for the same reasons you are asking this question. I won't have to go through a hard labour, I will have lots of help for 2 weeks so can recover ok and my bits won't get messed up again. Honestly I was terrified to even have sex after my last birth. If you have plenty of help for after baby is born I would be inclined to go for a section but that is just me x
Exactly that hun. My fear is mainly the longer term damage/implications if it happens again. I don't want to be faecally incontinent/have a miserable sex life/no bladder control if it happens again only worse.....the odds are all in favour of that not happening but I've been told the risk is now 10% as I can't decide if I think those are good odds or terrible ones!!! So hard to know isn't it?!
I think I'd be traumatised if that happened to me and Id probs go for c section, but it's completely up to you... They talk about needing to be relaxed when you give birth naturally and do you really think you will be able to relax?? you will probs panic the whole way through!! there's nothing wrong with going for a x
Section so do whichever is going to make you feel more comfortable xxx
Definitely a tough choice hun but as someone with similar fears I totally understand x
As someone who had a horrible induction and emergency c-section with their first baby, I would always go with the csection! My circumstances were different to yourself, but I always had the fear of what if it happens again if I try to have a natural birth with my second. So I ended up having an elective section. Personally if there is a risk of needing intervention, stitches and a long recovery regardless I would go with the elective csection where it is likely to be calmer and less messy for want of a better word!
Thanks little monkey :) as horrible as this sounds to say, that is very reassuring!! :) I am definitely thinking csec is the way to go at the mo....
Really appreciate your big fears after last time, but 10 percent chance versus def surg - Natural for me x
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This is my first baby, I've been scaring myself looking stuff up stupidly. Honestly if you feel you just got back to normal I'd go for a csec, especially since this baby is back to back too. It is your choice but if my labour is bad and baby isn't in position I am not risking it. Hugs Hun xxx
Thanks all :) Much appreciated. Had a great meet with the consultant yesterday who fully reviewed the delivery notes from my first delivery and she actually highlighted a few things I never realised; she said not only was baby back to back but his shoulders got stuck on the way out too which she felt was a stronger indicator my pelvis is a 'tight fit'. She said her conclusion was actually, she was entirely 50/50 on what was the best option for me and would be 100% happy either way. She added that if we were confident this would be our last baby (pending any happy accidents etc.!) she would be leaning more towards csec as she felt no reason to put the pelvic floor through anymore strain. If we were planning more, she would lean more towards natural as there were more risks then the next time for placenta previa etc. but she said again, she was pretty much 50/50.

In the end, and looking back at the 10% stat I was given at the first meeting, I thought about it like this: If someone told me I had to get in a car and make a journey from A to B today, but that there was a 10% chance that on that trip something would happen that left me with a life-affecting injury (sounds dramatic, but you know what I mean!), then, based on those odds, I wouldn't get in that car and I'd stay home!

So, end result at the moment is I'm booked in for the elective (I can pull out if I choose)!

Thanks all for reading and for your help xxx

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