

Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
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been feeling so down today just done dinner and cryed about it cus used self rasing flour insted of plain for yorkshire puds, been so sick feeling and being wot makes it wores i dont even know if i am pregnant or not just feel like going to bed and not getting up for a year lol, so to go on just wish doctor would to a test for me, i am 8 weeks and 2 days late now
Aw hunny you poor thing. Isn't there any other way of getting a test done? Like the family planning clinic or something?
not sure going to phone them up tomorrow the doctor just thinks i am stupid cus i was sterlized and said there is no way i can be but this is how i felt on 2 of my others, my first i was 6 months before i found out still having periods so never knew any signs with her, i asked him for a blood test he said no your late thats is it but 8 weeks late is late lol, a few days i could understand

have you done a home pregnancy test? If you do and its positive, take it with you to the doctors. That might make him think twice about doubting you. X
i did 1 last week but stupid me did it in the afternoon going to get another 1 tomorrow and do it tuesday morning, i not got big boobs the boob fairy missed me lol but there even big and i mean big hubby said well pepole will thin u had them done which made me laugh, hopefully get it sorted this week i am going to see my sister next week in isle of wight, so hoping feel a bit better thanks for reading this just feel like i am going mad
:hug: go back to docs and ask them to give u some explanation for missing periods! the first test they should do should be pregnancy :hug: hope u feel better soon xx
you lot are all so kind he said to me why are u worried i said i am not i just want to know thats all, my hubby has no kids my 3 are from first husband and he just wants to know so he can has he said shout from the roof tops, we are saving for ivf as he wants baby so do i i was sterlized at 26 doctor said i could only have 3 c sections i did not no much so had it done worse mistake in my life if it was upto me i would have lots of kids well 5 at least so to be pregant would be everything to me and hubby
I'd either demand to see another Dr or when you're in the isle of wight get an appointment with a dr there, don't tell them you've been sterilised and get them to do a blood test!!!

I can't believe your dr's being such a dick about it, it's only a blood test for gods sake!! They're a law unto themselves sometimes.

good luck hun, hope you get your answer soon :hug:
:hug: Get a home test and prove him wrong. I'd love to see his face when you come in with a positive test!
Oh hunny I hate it when doctors are such know it alls. Sterilisation can and does fail and he shoudl know that - and it wouldn't be hard to just do the test anyway! Do a HPT in the morning and maybe that'll show him. And if not, he really shoudl be taking steps to look into why you're so late, like you say a couple of days is one thing, but that's, what, two missed periods now? That's not right hon. Stand your ground and make him do something x In the meantime have some of these :hug: :hug: :hug:
awww thanks everyone yes 2 missed now and for past hour been sick 4 times and with my other 2 was sick at night my mum been to see me shes gone mad, its the way the doctor spoke my hubby was going to kill him i am changing my doctors tomorrow plus going to hospital i need to know and with last 2 i was so ill i was in hospital from 12 weeks on and off till i had jade at 30 weeks and she started like this if i had no kids then i would not no the signs to look for but belive me if i had a sick bug i would no this is no sick bug we ladies no our bodys and mine is saying pregnant and if i am not then i need to know wots wrong anyway thanks again everyone you helped today

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