Cry Baby Day


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2006
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Hello all, hope you are feeling well and your bumps are growing nicely.

I'm a hormonal wreck today. We're in the process of buying a house - hoping to complete 30th March.

The people we are buying from say they are having trouble finding a 3 bed house to rent after they vacate. Tish and pish I say. There are so many houses to rent.

Anyway, some bright spark suggested they rent the house that we are currently renting, thus making a nice neat circular chain. Well, you'd have thought they wanted to buy my unborn baby...I cried and cried this morning, all over my desk at work. I cried so much I got a nosebleed and had to spend 30 mins in the toilet with the looroll.

My poor hubby called me to say he thought it was a good idea and got me yelling and blubbing through snot down the phone. Poor fella didn't know what to say. Obviously his opinion that it's a good idea didn't go down too well.

So, I thought you could all sympathise/laugh/roll eyes at hormonal old me. At least the nosebleed has stopped!

Pea xxx
o dear, what r u like! :hug: :hug: :hug:
hope the house gets sorted soon, u dont need the stress!!
Oh dear! :hug: bless you!

(hides under desk in case of flying objects) Why is them renting your house so bad???
:rotfl: Aw hunni sorry but it did make me laugh big hugs to you :hug: :hug:. Once you're in your new house you won't care who lives in the one you're in now.
topbird said:
Why is them renting your house so bad???
I really, really don't know. I think I'm just feeling a bit out of control (in a looney tunes kind of way). Who'd buy a house while preggers anyway. What a dumb idea. :lol:
Aw :hug: hugs. You really do have a lot of stress with moving during your pregnancy. I don't envy you and don't blame you for getting upset.

Our hormones are all over the place so don't be too hard on yourself. As hard as it seems now in a few weeks you'll probably be able to laugh about it. :)

Bless - moving house is one of the most stressful things I have ever done, so do not envy you at all.

I nearly cried at lunch time as I had my heart set on a belgian bun from the bakers and they didn't have any when I got there, really had to pull myself together! so can sympathise at crying at nothing!
Awwwwwww :hug:

You seem as stressed as I have been this week. Big bust-up with fella, he's gone now off the scene and I'm left here carrying his baby. Ah well, it's case of chin up and move on. Hormone city here this week I can tell ya! And I still plan to move when the council deem me suitable to have a house. So for now I am stuck here with a construction site across the road....

Still I'm past all that hormonal stuff now :fib: :rotfl:

aww hun its really stressful and your hormones dont help :hug:
Awww bless :hug:

I hate being irrational. I had a right go at my OH for throwing some old news papers away (i use them in the cat litter box). He normally gets funny with me at times like that but he just walked off and was fine with me later. Bless poor him :rotfl:

If you do go ahead and let them stay in your rented house make sure the landlord if fully informed or it could cause more trouble than its worth.

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