Crowded places


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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I get so nervous in crowded palces. I went to the pub on Sat night and had someone walk into me. Trying to get past people to go to the loo and have to stand there and keep saying "excuse me" and they only move a little bit so then have to say I can't squeeze past can they move more and get looked at like I'm crazy. Then when people actually notice I'm pregnant have a look of shock on there face and stare at the bump and jump out the way like I'm a leper (usually men :rotfl: ).
Went to a restaurant for lunch yestersay and this family let their kids run around and of course what happens, kids run out the loo and straight into me!
It's making me want to not go out.

Anyone else experiencing this????
yep.... we went to a birthday do on saturday and my fella kept nudging ppl out the way if they got too close etc! :roll:

we didnt even go out on bank holiday weekend, coz he said he'd end up smacking people if they bumped into me!! haha
Eyyyyy hes only looking out for me!!!

But yeh i have noticed, even in a shop, ive almost lost my temper when ignorant ppl wont budge for you! but when they see your preggers, they literally leap out the way, like you said!! :lol:
i'm avoiding situations like those these days as i'm scared someone will bump into me. i've come so far i don't feel i can risk something happening now. its bad enough when out shopping in town or the supermarket although most people tend to keep a good distance when passing i do get the odd person that seems to head straight for me. i find myself holding my bump in my hands guarding him with my life.

but don't let it put you off going out places :hug: enjoy the free time you have. just be on guard and be extra careful
I know what you mean chick...I hate crowded places now too...I don't feel safe and I feel if someone did bump into me I'd probably fall over cos my balance is now so bad. :(
I'm with you all on this!!! I decided to give up shopping by myself, people push past, and i get stared at as well.

Yeah i had a great day yesterday but it was full of brownies, they wre barging past, running around, and one of their leaders pushed me out the way so no-one would walk in to the brownies. There was LOADS of pregnant women there and hundreds of brownies and no consideration what so ever!
Me too. I went into London for OH b'day on Friday night and there were just so many people and they don't move out of the way :x . I'm very protective of the bump so get so annoyed when they don't move. When people do notice I'm preggers I love the look of shock on their faces- men side step me sometimes, it's like they are scared of pregnant women :rotfl:

Alex xxx
I went to Edinburgh last weekend and wasn't thinking. I decided to get the last train home and it was JAM PACKED with loud and drunk people from Kirkcaldy... worse than I have ever seen. People DID notice I was pregnant, but just stared at me and didn't offer me a seat. It took a lovely Swedish woman to notice me. She gave me her seat, which I felt bad about but she was very nice and with my SPD I couldn't say no. Then some drunk idiot started talking to my husband and his cousin saying things like "She better not be faking, she's rude for stealing her seat, blah blah." I get stared at and ignored when I am on a full bus, too. :( I kind of wish people would jump up like I am a leper just now!
I'm having serious claustrophobia issues too - was out in the pub sat and i kept saying excuse me and people wouldnt move and my bump would be brushing past them and people would be right up my back trying to get past - in the end i just left as i was feeling so nervous and stressed!
I'm so glad I don't have to use public transport and have a car. Isn't it amazing how it was a woman that gave up her seat and not a man :x .
I won't go anywhere crowded now without DH. He has to do all the ordering of food and ging up to the bar and the queueing for things. Bless him, he doesn't seem to mind too much and is rather protective of the bump.
i feel the same, im a nervous person anyway but my bump has made me 100 times worse!

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