

Well-Known Member
May 15, 2006
Reaction score
Alex had his 8-12 month review today.

He's doing fine apart from his weight. He's dropped percentiles again. He's now down to 9th percentile. NINTH! He started out at 98th!!!


he's only gained a couple of ounces since 4 months ago!!!

The HV has told me to stop breastfeeding now - she says that the reason he eats so little is probably because he breastfeeds so much so isn't hungry for solids, but clearly isn't enough for him to put on weight.

So that's that then.

I feel terrrible to be honest. I thought breastfeeding for a year was meant to be a GOOD thing yet it seems I've just been starving my son :(
:hug: You have NOT been 'starving' him!

It's just your b/m must taste so good he can't be bothered with food :) What sort of stuff does he eat?
thanks ladies. I still can't help feeling bad though when I see how his weight has fallen percentiles like that though.

Minxy he eats maybe 1 petit filou yoghurt, 2 or 3 tea spoons or whatever we're having for dinner, 1 small jar of fruity baby food, maybe 2 or 3 grapes, and perhaps half a biscuit a day. That's on a very good day.

Today he's eaten so far 1 petit filou and a quarter of a biscuit. Today is not a good day!

Yesterday was not a good day either. He had about 4 teaspoons of spag bol and 1 petit filou.

I think maybe the HV is right. I give in too easily when he wants breastmilk. I just hate it when he pushes his dinner aside and starts screaming and rooting at my boobs :(

It's his birthday tomorrow. On Friday I'm going to start the weaning process I think. (would be harsh to do it on his birthday)

I'm feeling really sad that it's happening so suddenly but I guess it's what's best for him :(
tbh I think you have the same problem as I do... lil miss would quite happily live off boob milk if she could which would mean her permanently attached to my boob :roll: ...its a comfort thing more than a food thing... And I think you have the same problem... We solved this by moving her on to cups of milk rather than boob... She has cups of boob juice 3 times a day... Its doesn't offer the same comfort. There were a lot of tears and tantrums to start off with, but she finally got the idea that she couldn't have the comfort. And in return she drank less milk and ate more solids. Give it a try one day with formula in a sippy cup and express off your excess and store it... then give the expressed milk the next day in cups with meals. He will throw a paddy and root for boobs... as long as you are tough he'll get the idea eventually...

I still have boob feeds... morning, mid afternoon and night times but at meal times and during the day its in a cup...take it or leave it. Sounds so mean but they have to get the idea that they boob is for food not comfort... :hug: :hug: :hug:

But you haven't done badly by him or starving him at all... He is CHOOSING not to eat... babies can't starve themselves... just boob juice/formula doesn't have all the calorific necessities for a child 6 months and up... but it does have all the nutrition. If anything your LO won't be malnourished :)
:hug: :hug: :hug:

Well done for breastfeeding for as long as you have. You are an inspiration to many people on this forum :clap: :clap: :clap:
Dont feel bad you have done a fab job, well done hun :hug:
Hun you haven't been starving him! He will take as much as he needs, if he was hungry he would eat more. I think Squiglet has some great advice, you certainly don't need to cut out boob completely if you're both still enjoying it.

The ladies above have said it all, you are doing the very best for Alex, and he will put on the weight he'e meant to at his own pace, very, very best wishes with the next stage of weaning, relax and enjoy it, he's in your very good hands and will do just fine :hug: :hug: :hug:
well done for breastfeeding for a year. You've done an amazing job!! :clap:

I think Squiglet's advice sounds like a good idea. Just be tough with him for a few days with taking milk from a cup or a bottle and then he'll prob take more solids.

Hope it all goes well.

thanks ladies you've given me some helpful advice.

I think I'm going to try and definitely cut out night feedings because he pretty much just co-sleeps and sucks on me all night.

And then during the day I'll see if I can get it down to 3 feeds a day, and then drop it down to 2.

DH is being totally non-understanding about this. He thinks babies ought to stop having breastmilk at 1 anyway and can't understand why I don't just stop cold turkey.

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