crap night , dunno how ill get through the day !

Gem & Leland

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2006
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well , had a nice long soak in the bath , dried me hair stuff and took myself off to bed , by 11.30 i was still awake , think i then dozed and hubby came in at 1 am from work.

and then that was it

no more sleep ! i laid there till 3 am when i decided i'd try the sofa , but nope still no sleep !

i literally could not switch my mind off and it was just ramble an garbage going through it but my eyes were so tired , at 4.30 i starte reading my book and that still didnt help

any normal day id now laugh off work as ive now got a stinking headache and soooo tired , but i cant , im booked to work with an angency person today and ive got all the work in my van so without me he cant do anything and my boss will go mad for having to pay them !

help ,its gonna be a long day too cos of this job too do , im not even gonna be able to sneak an early :cry:

why couldnt i have just slept last night :cry: sorry for the moan, really dunno how im gonna cope today .
Oh hun! I hate it when that happens. :hug: :hug:

Normally I would suggest copious amounts of coffee, but not in your case. You'll probably find you'll get through the pain barrier and manage to keep going, but if it does get too much, you MUST put yourself first and come home from work. It's not worth risking your health, work will just have to understand. Just make up a story about a tummy bug or soemthing if you need to.

In the meantime, treat yourself to lots of chocolates!

:hug: :hug: :hug:
I kind of know how your feeling.

I kept waking up in the night feeling icky, finally made it to the bathroom at around 4:00 this morning where I have been throwing up ever since. Going to get myself into work though as they're short staffed. They're soon send me home if I continue being sick.
Not looking forward to the train though!!! :(

Hope you get through the day ok hun :hug:
Aw noo, I hope the day doesn't turn out bad for you. I do sympathise with all you working mothers, I don't have to get up for work or run after small children, and I still get exhausted and drag myself around, so you have all my admiration. Lots of hugs and hope tonight is much much better! :hug: :hug:
its upset my tummy a bit , always does with lack of sleep , well least im not in a furthest away stores today bout 45 mins , so catch u girls later !

:hug: even tider now then when i got up lol
Aww Gem, I know how you feel cos after we (all 3 of us LMAO) chatted last night, Matt and I turned in for the night at around 11.30pm and I just couldn't sleep. I got up about 4 times for the loo and just felt like my mind wasn't able to rest - for absolutely no reason. So.. this morning I am really tired after literally no sleep (first and only thing I have said to Matt this morning is.. "I've had such a s**t nights sleep) LOL.

Luckily though, as you know I work from home so it's a much easier day for me. I hope you get through today ok and that when you get home you can have a lovely soak in the bath, have some dinner and get to bed early xxxx
my god ive just got in , i ache from head to toe , there's no way i can do todays job everyday till i leave in dec :cry: im shattered . prob over tired now and i still wont sleep , too tired too cook and got noone home to cook for me :roll: feeling i should right today off :cry:
:hug: Can you do a risk assessment at work with your manager? Can they make your duties lighter? I'm sure they would prefer to do that, than make you so shattered that you go off sick? Take care x x
ive had 2 , got another in 2 weeks , im gonna see how this week goes an then prob speak to doc again , i cant afford to get signed off tbh , makes my pay go to 70 a week ! :shock: but i deffo am not gonna be able to handle this everyday , gonna put another post about lifting up , see what u guys think
you poor lass

it is awful isn't it, had a few days like that too

hope you can relax tonight x
aw hon... sorry you've had a rotten day :hug:

when i can't sleep, i use my lavender pillow and listen to story tapes - they stop my mind from racing and thinking too much... might be worth a try??

Ah hun so sorry you've been feeling crappy! Hope you have a better night tonight!

Big hugs :hug:

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