crap day !


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2010
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So It started off having a really crap sleep, 'cause OH left the door open when he left for work at 4am so the dog and cats kept wondering in and waking me up :dohh:
Then when I came down stairs, NO-ONE has cleaned the kitchen (living in a house of 7 people the now) and I mean this is the sort of business to be on how clean is your house :sick: so after three attempts of trying to make breakfast (three attempts cause thats how many times I had to run off to be sick cause it was that revolting!) I just gave up on breakfast, I mean there was even mouldy garlic bread in the sink with the dishes! :sick::sick:
I went back to bed and tried to sleep off the sickness, and when OH came in asked him to make me something, made me some chips to keep me going till dinner, started eating then 2 mins later threw it all up again! managed to eat dinner and keep that down, then MIL starts complaining and bitching to OH cause she bought a high chair, which I asked everyone not to cause I wanted to wait till we found out the sex so we can buy coloured things, and she is going on how im not grateful! I said thank you said it was lovely gave hugs and kisses and that and it just wasn't good enough, she is expecting a bunch of flowers everytime she gets us something! no joke! Soooo sick of the sickness now and immature adults!!

Sorry for the rant :blush: really just needed to get that off my chest, but if you read it all thanks and well done ! lol x
Hope you get better soon and the sickness eases :) I never actually threw up when I had it but it eased over after about 14 weeks x

Don't worry my MIL has brought us loads of stuff I just smile and thank her because I am not working at the moment x

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