me I'm going mad...


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2008
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I've been having these quite painful but 'different' kind of cramps, I had them all of tuesday night and into wednesday, then they stopped and started again all of friday into friday night, and now they are starting again. It's really weird. AF is due between Tues 4th and Thurs 6th (am donw on testing thread for 6th to be sure) do you think this could be preg symptoms or am I just being over sensitive and thinking there's something there when there's nothing :roll: maybe it's just af on its way but normally only get af cramps on the day of or day before af. (sighs) too scared to test yet as don't want to see a bfn :( Just wish these cramps would go they are quite bad. They are also very low down much more low than usual kind of above my pubic bone (just).

Sorry for the rant but was hoping someone has had the same and can give me good news :hug:
I dont want to get your hopes up but have a look at my symptoms blog further down the page hun :wink:
Thanks snuggle read yours the other day it's really helpful, bless you for putting all that information out there! The only thing is I'm not getting any of the other symptoms no metal taste or sick feeling just been well moody :( like a groggy b*tch from hell :oops: But then again when I had my daughter (13 years ago :shhh: ) I did not get any sickness, any metal taste so who knows? Another thing is and I know this sounds weirs, but my insides feel really low (you know, like my womb and stuff), it feels like it's moving down into my noony (making myself laugh but that's the only way of describing it) :rotfl:

I will probably test tomorrow morning, please talk me out of it. x
Different people get different symptoms hun so you never know. Test if you want to but just remember, if its BFN you could be testing up to 4 days too early :wink:
I've been like that the last few days - cramps starting and stopping. I normally only get cramps the day before or as AF starts too. I was convinced a couple of days back that AF was arriving, but no sign :pray: :pray:

Good luck lovely!
Thanks snuggle, how soon did you test when you got your bfp?

Baby blonde - thanks for the support, I'm just sitting here felling like af is on the way but if you are experiencing the same thing then that's great. BTW congrats to you both :hug: :hug: Babyblonde - I need to catch up on your posts but hear you got a very faint bfp? Still, a bfp is a bfp in my book xxx
Thanks honey - I'm not counting my chickens yet but will be testing again tomorrow.

My cramps have eased off a little now - still have some discomfort but it feels more like being very bloated/needing to poo than AF.

I have everything crossed for you babe - let us know!
ha ha get me I was just checking my boobies in the mirror looking for signs of darkened nipples, what am I like? :rotfl: good job my daughter isn't around, she already thinks I'm losing the plot lately :lol:
Not as bad as me who walked into the living room naked and demanded that my husband 'look at my boobs - do they look different to you?!!

He was obviously devastated.
:rotfl: bet he was well chuffed I am always checking mine out in the mirror. When I ask oh to check it is so funny to see him he has his head moving from one side to the other and hand on the chin :think: like it's something very scientific :rotfl:
We both actually think mine do look at bit different (I'm sure my nipples are bigger - TMI or what???) but we might just be making it up :lol:
:lol: You girls! :lol:
I got a BFN 4 days before AF was due and a BFP 2 days before AF was due :wink: Just to add as well, I have had no difference in my boobs at all so far :hug:
Aha! In that case that means I can test tomorrow. I just don't know, maybe I will anyway but maybe that's too soon :wall:

No, I shall wait until Tuesday :fib:
I think it's all in my head tbh! I have teeny boobs so desparate for improvement! :lol:

Good luck when you test Shezza!

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