I've been having these quite painful but 'different' kind of cramps, I had them all of tuesday night and into wednesday, then they stopped and started again all of friday into friday night, and now they are starting again. It's really weird. AF is due between Tues 4th and Thurs 6th (am donw on testing thread for 6th to be sure) do you think this could be preg symptoms or am I just being over sensitive and thinking there's something there when there's nothing
maybe it's just af on its way but normally only get af cramps on the day of or day before af. (sighs) too scared to test yet as don't want to see a bfn
Just wish these cramps would go they are quite bad. They are also very low down much more low than usual kind of above my pubic bone (just).
Sorry for the rant but was hoping someone has had the same and can give me good news

Sorry for the rant but was hoping someone has had the same and can give me good news