cradle crap, turkish delight, help... lol

Suzie and Faith

Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
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Hehe, a few things.
1. any miracle cures for cadle crap?
2. anyone else find dentinox cadle crap shampoo smells like turkish delight (and mank!)
3. anyone else call it cadle crap once by accident and haven't gotten it right since?
I can't help but to call it Cradle Crap. :rotfl: :rotfl:

I got rid of Luke's by wetting his hair, rubbing in some dentinox and then getting a comb and gently using it and kind of scratching, but not actually scratching (if you know what I mean LOL) his scalp with it. It got the flakes loosened off. It only took about 3 washes too :)
Anyone else puzzled by what Dentinox says on it? It says that cradle cap is purely cosmetic and doesn't bother them but on the front it says 'for the relief of cradle cap'. And it seems to suggest that it is just a shampoo but that shampoo will do the job. I can't remember how the bit that made me think that was phrased. :think:
I like to read on the loo and the instructions that came with it were the nearest literature :rotfl:
Suzie I like ur new pic, u both look great.
can't help with cradle cap but perhaps shampoo less often!
If Faith has only a bit of hair then try Lansinoh nipple cream if you have any left over. I used it on Galen's less hairy parts of his head and his eyebrows and it cleared up really quickly. Alas he got some further into his hair and nipple cream was hard to apply. So am using the shampoo also. Having to pick of the dead skin is a bit gross but its the only way to get the rest off.

I can send you the rest of my Lansinoh if you want. Have some left and won't be using it again.

It is only dead skin and if you rub it when washing it and then have a go at picking it off it should be fine. I found the Lansinoh more or less made it disappear by morning.
I used dentinox CC shampoo on a flanel... and rubbed it in... took 3 or so washes, but there was NO CC left after that! NOw I use it once a week, the same way, just to keep it away.

I did used to pick at it when he was sat on my lap too... always came away easily and never bothered him.
Olive Oil!! I was told to massage it in as Arianna was allergic to Dentinox
I've got the dentinox shampoo, does nothing. I hear olive oil works well. I had Boots cradle cap cream and it works wonders.
I never called it cradle crap, but now i've read it i almost typed it!
Introducing...........Mhairi Olive Oil Head!


One application of olive oil and a comb through (quite roughly, but not rough IYKWIM!) and it was gone!
Lil miss had terrible cradle cap which the funky shampoos did nothing for... We used sweet almond oil rubbed into her hair every day and used a soft baby brush to brush the cradle cap away from the scalp. It cleared up within a week or so and she's never had it back...

I used lanoish for the eyebrows too :)
I got some cream from my Dr its called Aveeno its a natural cream made from wheat its made by Johnson & Johnson and its worked wonders and I'd tried all sorts calendula cream, olive oil but none got rid of it completely.
At the risk of sounding silly but what is cradle cap and what does it look like? LO has dry skin on his forehead which i'm putting olive oil on, he also has flaky skin at the top almpst at the scalp. Cant see if it's where his hair is as he has so much hair...
LaineyG said:
Introducing...........Mhairi Olive Oil Head!


One application of olive oil and a comb through (quite roughly, but not rough IYKWIM!) and it was gone!

Too cute!!!!!!
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I'm laughing at myself - i just reread the title. I hadn't even meant to right cradle crap! i thought i had written it properly!!!!

and yuh that's what Faith's is like, not quite so bad though. :)
:rotfl: :rotfl: My OH called it cradle crap one day accidentally & now I say it without even meaning too!!! Poppy has a wee bit of cradle crap still, haven't tried the shampoo but I've been told olive oil should help get rid of it! x

yep olive oil it works like a charm Collier very rarely gets it, and when he dose it last only a few days the olive oil sorts it out :D :D :D :D
Suzie and Faith said:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I'm laughing at myself - i just reread the title. I hadn't even meant to right cradle crap! i thought i had written it properly!!!!

and yuh that's what Faith's is like, not quite so bad though. :)

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: naughty you Suzie
I found dentinox brilliant!!! I used it twice and it was gone! As for it smelling like turkish delight i dont think i know what turkish delight smells like yuck!!

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