Couldn't sleep because of this...


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2006
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This must seem really daft because I have ages to go yet and don't even know the sex of the baby yet but anyway....

Yesterday my mum was on a baby name's website reading out all the really ridiculous names like 'Bacon' for example... WTF? :rotfl:

While she was on the A's, for some reason the name Alfie popped into my head and I asked if she liked it and she loves it, then I told OH and he loves it too. I'm now hoping for a boy because I love the name so much.

But then my mum was syaing I should call him Alfred, because then it can be shortened to Alfie, Fred, Freddy. All of which I love, but I'm not keen on Alfred at all. I was up half of the night thinking about it and it has slightly grown on me, I was thinking Alfred George Pearson doesn't sound so bad does it? I just don't want my child to bullied about their name.

What do you all think?

Alfie or Alfred?
I actually really like it! Alfred George has a really nice ring to it.

I do love old fashioned names though, at least if you named him Alfred you can pick Fred Freddy or Alfie.
That's a great idea! I really like them all too... Especially Freddy and Alfie...

Oooooh he'll have lots to choose from! x
Yeah it would be nice for him to choose, we would no doubt call him all of the names (at different times, one minute he'd be Alfie the next Freddy etc), poor kid would be so confused.

I was just thinking that if we did choose Alfie on it's own then some people (including me, even though I'm not too keen on it) would probably call him Alfred sometimes anyway.

Our family tend to have loads of names for each other, especially the poor dog's eg. one of our dog's is called Kev, he get's Kevin, Kev, Beano, Prince, Princey, Boyd, Dingo and the list just goes on and on.

I'm still not sure though, we've got ages to decide anyway.

It will probably be a girl now lol.
Awwww :hug:

I really like Alfred. Like you said it has possibilities to be shortened into Alfie, Freddy and so on. And depending on the child, Freddy might be a more fitting pet name over Alfie, or he really might be an Alfred :)

This way you have lots of options which is good :)
Hi, My DH is called Alfred but everyone calls him Alfie. It's a family name that is passed down to the eldest son. He has a son from a previous relationship but he was registed Alfie not Alfred. Go with the one you are most comfortable with-I think they both sound great. :D
i actually really like it and like all the names it can be shortened to aswell
I would use Alfie I think
im biased but...I LOVE Alfie, I'm thinking this is the name we want if our little one is blue lol. So, nope, your not allowed it haha
I wouldn't worry too much about people calling him Alfred babe, you usually call someone the way they introduce themselves.

For example, I introduce myself as Dannii and no-one ever calls me Danielle. Also, my step dad is Martin to everyone on my mum's side, as that's how he introduced himself, soon after he decided he wanted to be known as Mart as that was what everyone his side called him. Once we'd called him Martin for a while it was too far stuck in our brains to change it lol

I personally would go with Alfred, as I love the names Alfie & Freddy, very cute!

I've been thinking about this alot. It is actually growing on me, I think Alfred is quite a strong name. When he's older he would probably get called Peo by his friends (because of the surname Pearson).

OH still hates Alfred though. We would probably just go with Alfie to be safe, but I'm not going to rule out Alfred just yet.

We will probably come up with something completely different by the time the baby is due, but I think it's worth thinking about names seriously from the start of pregnancy, it's a big decision and I want to get it right.
xJodieLoux said:
I've been thinking about this alot. It is actually growing on me, I think Alfred is quite a strong name. When he's older he would probably get called Peo by his friends (because of the surname Pearson).

OH still hates Alfred though. We would probably just go with Alfie to be safe, but I'm not going to rule out Alfred just yet.

We will probably come up with something completely different by the time the baby is due, but I think it's worth thinking about names seriously from the start of pregnancy, it's a big decision and I want to get it right.

I completely agree.. Thinking about it early can only be a good thing! Who knows, after all this it might be a girl!

Do you have any girls names in mind?


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