Could this be reflux? I need some advice/help please!


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2006
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Firstly, apologies for the length of this post, but I feel it best to explain everything so that you can get the full idea.

Liam is 4 weeks old, and since he was only a couple of days old has been having trouble with feeding/crying/wind.

Liam is having Aptamil First, we're using the Dr Browns bottles and Stage 1 Newborn teats.

I myself had colic as a baby, so always wondered if he also had that... I also stopped taking milk all together at about 8 months and have hated it ever since.

Liam feeds every 3-4 hours. He manages anywhere between 4oz-6oz these days.

I have problem with getting him to calm down after his feeds. He usually screams and cries for at least 2-3hours, even when he is really tired.

He takes his full bottle usually without any problems, however he finishes he starts to jerk around and hits out with his clenched when he then proceeds to scream and cry and pull his legs up. He also has a sort of cough/cry that seems to be hurting him.

He's not bad at getting wind up most of the time, although at others seems to suffer with trapped wind. He continues to cry after getting his wind up. Sometimes he seems to gasp for breath. He just lets out a loud gasp every now and again, sometimes more often, even when he is not upset or distressed. We've been giving him infacol before each feed - not sure if this is making a difference. I have also tried Dentinox and Gripe Water but havent noticed a difference.

He's rarely sick after feeds, but sometimes has a little bit of spit up, sometimes while getting winded, sometimes a little while after feeding. He suffers A LOT with hiccups, sometimes 3-4 times a day - although he also did this before he was born.

Sleeping goes okay at night once he is actually down, but getting him to sleep can take such a long time he is in such discomfort. He sleeps anytime between 9/10pm - 3/4am and then again until 6-7am. During the day is a different matter though and he hardly settles or sleeps, maybe for 30-45mins between feeds during the day.

We've had quite a few terrible evenings where he just will not settle, Saturday night being one of them - he just cries and cries and nothing will console him, he finally exhausts himself and then falls asleep.

Its getting to the stage where I'm dreading his feed times, and it seems no time between one to the next - any help/advice would be much appreciated and thanks for reading this far!
as far as im aware reflux is to do with an under developed muscle that lets food back up rather than keeping it down in the tummy, which leads to lots of projectile vomiting. Annabelle had it (still has a touch of it) and it drove me mad! Doesnt sound like your LO has it, but i hope you figure out whats wrong with him soon to help make his pains a little easier :hug:
sounds like poor Liam has colic - im sorry i dont have any direct experience with it but i know there are lots of remedies - it might be a case of trial and error. The other possibility might be the milk - my boys were fine with SMA but my dd had a little bit of colic and i gave her wysoy - she digested this with no problems at all - actually the doc prescribed it so i never had to even buy her milk - i also had to wind her after every single ounce of milk - it was very time consuming but worth it.I hope some one with more experience of this comes along soon but hang in there :hug:
This sounds more like colic than reflux.... reflux is a build up of acid which then comes out as projectile vomit.

Speak to your HV or Dr to get something maybe a little bit stronger than the dentonix etc.

:hug: :hug: to you - I know how hard it is when they are like that and you dont know what to do. :hug: :hug:

Im pretty sure its not reflux, Aimee had it pretty bad and it lasted until she was on solids. They are sick alot with reflux (after every feed) a common sign is arching the back and going ridged and crying after the feed.
It does sound like colic which there isnt alot you can do about except wind them well during and after a feedand stick with the gripe water/infacol (not that it does much)
It should gradually get better
Hi! your baby sounds like my LO was whwn he had colic, maybe a chan ge of bottles might help, he is obviously takeing too much air in when hes feeding.There is a new brand of wonder drops out at bootd for colic but there expensive and friends of mine swear by them.0
There called colief drops and retail in boots at 9.95, but they have great revirews and if they help your son then there worth it!
Try keeping him uporight for as long as possiblw after a feed and rubbing his back at the bottom may help bring up that nasty wind, but generally holding them up rivght and rocking them backweards and forwards will help relase and relax him enough will help him burp all the better.
This isnt reflux, my son had reflux and it is not a pretty sight. :puke:
Liam would struggle to keep his feeds down and it is literally projectile, my son used to be sick 3-4 times a night.

All the same colic is no joke either theres a remedy that Boots sells its expensive its £10 for some drops I think, the name escapes me but its excellent stuff, ask at the pharmacy counter.

Good Luck, and hopefully it will subside and you can get a little rest :hug:
It sounds like colic to me BUT it could be SILENT reflux.
Tom has suffered from colic and silent reflux since he was born.
SILENT reflux means that they suffer all of the reflux symptoms except they are not sick. Tom is never sick. Symptoms include frequent hiccups, fighting the bottle/breast, arching back throughout feeds, irritability when lying on back etc.
So, don't rule the reflux out on the basis that he's not being sick. However, it does sound more colicky.
Have you tried COLIEF in his milk? That really helped Tom. As Guadagnia says, it's not cheap - £10 for a teeny bottle but you only put a couple of drops in each feed so it lasts for a while. It is EXCELLENT for colic. We gave Tom Colief and Infacol together.
If there's no improvement when you've tried these, see your GP and put your foot down.
I caused a fuss with my GP and got referred to a paediatrician. Tom has been on medication since he was 2 months and is still under the paediatrician now.
Hopefully though Liam will get better with the Colief. Also, most babies grow out of colic by 3 months so you won't have to put up with this forever!
I couldn't agree more with LucyBee. My son also has silent reflux and colic and displayed all the symptoms you describe. I was informed by the dietician at the hospital that it is very common for reflux and colic to go hand in hand so maybe the poor little guy has both bless him.
We were prescribed SMA Staydown and infant gaviscon and also advised to keep the head end of his cot raised (a couple of books did the trick). We also found keeping him upright over our shoulder for 30 mins after a feed helped. Oh yeah and we continued with the infacol for the colic. Its hard work and I really hope he settles for you soon.
I had a very similar thing with my dd. She took her milk quite happily and wasn't too sicky, but she appeared to be in a lot of pain and it was a nightmare getting her to sleep. It often took hours of rocking to get her off. Infacol helped a little, but we tried different formulas, bottles and teats, none of which made a difference.

We found out that she had a milk allergy at about 7 months, when she developed bad eczema and a bit of a cough at night when we started weaning. We have since been told that all her colic was really this milk allergy.

I don't know anything about reflux, but I do think you should seek some help, perhaps from your gp or health visitor.

Good luck.
My son has reflux, your babe sounds more like colic. Could be silent reflux, as few previous posts say. I would definitely take him to your doctor, get him checked over. Have you tried Cow & Gate comfort milk? My HV said it works well for babies with colic. May be worth a try. You could try tilting his cot/moses basket up a little. When we did this we noticed an instant improvement in Jude's sleeping. He seemed a lot more comfortable.

I totally sympathise with you :hug: We were like this until we got him sorted with Gaviscon.

Good Luck :hug:

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