could this be a symptom ?. or am i wishful thinking


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2007
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but i've noticed that in the last week, if i've had a drink, like wine or beer, i can't seem to handle it. it's knocking me out. like im dazed. and it seems to be affecting me more than a glass would.

has anyone else experienced this and been pregnant
I never drank in my 2ww's so I don't know if alcohol effected me when I was pg but I've heard that a lot of people say that they've gone off alcohol and coffee and things that are bad for them.

I suppose it's nature telling us what's best!
yes your right, cause it feels like 'something' is stopping me, almost as though my body is rejecting it.....

of course the sensible option is NOT to drink.....

but thanks for replying......
Im sure my aunt was like that before she found out she was pg! She was wondering why 1 drink was affecting her more and she coundt really drink, then she found out she was pg and wondered if that had anything to do with it??
Maybe then??
A girl I know who goes out a couple of times a week and drinks quite a bit (and loves it) started throwing up the other evening just after two drinks and had to go home! IT is soooooo unlike her!!

She then found out she was pregnant!!!! And IMMEDIATELY STOPPED DRINKING!!

I know a few other people who have said that they completely wento off alcohol and knew they were pregnant from that!

Hope it works out for you!

Julia xxxx
ooohhhhh fingers crossed for ya!!

When you testing? :D
I went out the day I flew back from Canada, had a few drinks including a few shots of sambuca, got really drunk really quickly went to a house party and fell asleep on the sofa.
For days i felt like crap.

A couple of weeks later I found out I was pregnant.
I think our bodies tell us what not to have because now I dont drink or smoke, the idea of it makes me retch as it did with my first pregnancy.
I also can't drink tea, coffee, coke or red bull, think my body knows i shouldn't really have the caffeine.

I'm obsessed with cereal, fruit, water, fruit juice, squash and yoghurt which the mw has said is great :)

I do love twisters aswell though mmmm :lol:
Whats alchohol?



i went off everything in early preg, wait and see maybe you are


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