Could they be wrong? * Updated with pic *


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2006
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I know this is stupid, but after just reading about bexxie Im wondering if I really miscarried at all before this PG.

When I 'MC' I had no pain and pased no clots and it was lighter than my period would normally be. I had a scan at 5w 6d and they said they couldnt see anything and that I had MC but they only did an external scan which from what I have read of other peoples experiences they would not have been able to see anything from anyway, without doing an internal. they did a urine test which they only let develop for about 1 min and said it was neg, but the tests I had been doing had all been coming up very and I mean very faint you could hardly see them unless you really peered.

Anyway whats making me think all this is the fact that I look so huge! I dont think its going to be possible to keep this from people any longer as I have a really pregnant looking belly, I will try and post a pic at some point to show you what I mean, but this is just silly! I know Im prob jest getting my hopes up its just I cant understand this, and I have no idea how long Im going to have to wait till I get booked for my 'early' scan.

Look at my bump!
Oh hunnie im sorry your feeling this way i hope whatever all will turn out ok for you. :hug: -xx-
Hi Cat- how many weeks would you be now if you hadn't had a m\c? :think:
its certainly possible hun xxxxxxxx
It sure is possible honey, u'll know at your next scan.. they should have done an internal! Thats what they did for me! At 6w4d they only saw a shadow on the external one, on the internal they saw baby and HB etc! Its strange they didnt do an internal :think:

Mind you, ive got a pot belly coming already too! lol! I look 3 months lol! altho i didnt show with jaycee til 5 months so it seems strange for me to show early..
If I haddent of MC I would be 13w now.

After thinking about this after posting, I know Im being silly. Please ignor me everyone Im just wishfull thinking and wondering how the hell Im ment to keep this quiet much longer when Im blatently PG!
cat its not long since you had a child hun it may be that your just going to show earlier this time as your body is not back to normal from last time yet im starting to show now already and im only 9 weeks look more like 16 weeks :oops: and i know theres only 1 and my dates are right maybe its just that hun xxx
awwww hun :hug: i doubt that very much and if you are so what you are having a babba and it will all be worth it I put on 2 and a half stone on jamie which i didnt get time to lose before getting pg again so am a size 18 :oops: at the moment god help me by time ive had this baby il be like the size of a house lol xxxxx
Cat you could be right and you din't M/c

but as an old pro as you might say :?

With my second pregnancy i showed really quickley and that was 4 yrs after having Emily
And when i was pregnant with Jack i showed quickly as well, even though it did just look like fat over the top of my jeans lol

Sami and Cat you have both left tiny gaps between pregnancys, and i'm sorry to tell you that you muscles are probably still slack

I also beleive that the sooner you know the sooner you show
jo said:
Sami and Cat you have both left tiny gaps between pregnancys, and i'm sorry to tell you that you muscles are probably still slack

I also beleive that the sooner you know the sooner you show

My muscles went back but the fat remained, so definately a loose stomach is to blame for my buldge!
Right well good news. I have been a naughty girl and have told my doctor that I am having cramping pains, and I now have a scan booked for tomorrow morning!
Oh Cat you naughty girl!!!!
Well at least it will put your mind at rest hun
they both look big bumps to me for how far along u r you might both get a surprise or 2 :rotfl:
mary70 said:
they both look big bumps to me for how far along u r you might both get a surprise or 2 :rotfl:

I think Im going to have a litter of about 12!

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