Could reflexology overstimulate thyroid??


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2011
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Hey ladies,

Hope you've all had a nice weekend - some sun at last.

Just had my day 3 bloods done and my thyroid came back with high results and something to do with antibodies (got a call with doc to discuss Tuesday)

I've had my thyroid done before and all was fine but I've been having reflexology 2 times a month for a few months. Do you think it could of messed with my thyroid or just coincidence??

I think I have to go on tablets (after brief chat with doc before appt) and she said it can just take a while to show.

Just wondering if the reflexology messed my body up xx
I'd say no.

Most of the alternative therapies aim to rebalance and correct the systems in the body by preventing them from being extreme.

I doubt very much that they could cause issues to occur, they just don't work like that.

I think that if i was in your situation that i'd want it testing third time. You had one result that said no medication is required and another that said medication was required - how can they choose between the two?
Thanks Lou :)

I saw my GP today (she's a friend) and she said they wouldn't test again as my antibodies were high, so I could go on tablets or re test in 6 months (I think). I've got the official phone appt on Tuesday

My mum used to be a nurse and she said sometimes blood results are one thing one minute and then change the next so I'd be inclined to want another test too.

Of course I've now gone and googled and scared myself with all sorts of thyroid and infertility things (especially the autoimmune stuff as she said antibodies were high)

I've paid for a private consultation on 21st so maybe he will have an opinion :) x
You have a GP that is a friend and she wouldn't sneak you in another test - harsh! ;)

My mum is a nurse too and she often has a opinion on things :)

Yeah, i wouldn't google too much on thyroid issues and what can cause them :shock: It being able to be treated with medication is a good thing ;)
Ha ha well my appt is tomorrow so maybe I'll mention it again. I think it's the antibody stuff that she's said no point testing again.

Too late aaarrggg I've googled loads and read that high antibodies is usually a cause of autoimmune problems where your body attacks tissues and organs (I think I saw sometimes sig on here saying they have hashimoto which is what that is) I'm hoping these antibodies won't attack an embryo, as it can cause infertility :0

Apparently thyroid meds sorts the thyroid but not the immune stuff. Really must stop reading stuff :o

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