Could I be pregnant, shouldbi retest


Dec 31, 2015
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Me and my husband have been TTC baby #1 I have a 30 day cycle my periods last on 4-5 days. I ovulated early on cycle day 8 which isn't too early but still is early. Any ways I noticed some small sharpie dot sized blood and it was pink 3 and 4 dpo around 5 and 6 dpo my boobs have gotten tender and sore on the sides and tops. And on nip seems to be darker than the other and the are both a but heavier than usual. Around 7-9 dpo I have been experiencing AF type cramps that I get maybe a day or 2 before my period. Also this past couple of days I've been emotional, increased appetite. And so exhausted. Really gassy. Constipated but when I do go its really soft.I took a test at 9dpo and ibgot a very weird result
(|) [|] <--- Pregnant
( ) [|] <---- Not pregnant
(-) [|] <---- My result
Again it is NOT a plus or minus test. I have been told that its a dud. That a line is a line so I am pregnant. And then I have been told the minus means youre not. Now I'm 11 dpo and my bottom gums are very tender and sore and I'm having very vivid deeams. Can someone kinda help me. I don't know if these are all signs or if I'm crazy. Andvim wondering if anyone has gotten avresult like that and ended up pregnant. Any advise or reassurance would be awesome
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I would buy a new pack of tests, if the last one was dud then chances are the other one in the pack is a dud x
Just test with that one you have and see what comes up. Then get supermarket brand and see!
Fingers crossed!!

You could also contact the helpline if it's a clear blue or FR test- they might send you another pack if they are dud, they might re call certain ones that aren't right too. X
Sounds like an invalid result to me :( I'd hold off testing for as long as you possibly can. Give those hormones a chance to multiply if you are pregnant to give you a good, easy read result :)
Fingers crossed for you hun xXx
I took a test this morning I thought I saw a faint line but I don't want to think that till I get it confirmed on the other hand I woke up this morning at 3 to blow my nose and there was blood and I haven't had a bloody nose since i was 5 so crossing my fingers that this could mean something good
I do but its really blurry and poor quality I see a line but I'm too scared to ask anyone else because I really don't want a negative :)
I think I'm going to test Monday and see there's just many thing that are different from anybother month that I have felt like this.. I cry at almost anything and everything I'm crossing my fingers really hard this time :)
So I'm spotting my boobs have gotten bigger since the 28th and I now have a mysterious rash on my shoulder but I'm so worried to take a test
I don't know how you can hold out to test again?!!
I would have tested again straight away with the result being so odd! X

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