Could I be getting big already?!?!


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2011
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Only 7 weeks and my tummy feels like a baloon :shock: I'm too sick to stuff my face, but I do force myself to eat normally.

It can't possibly be all gas, and definitely isn't all baby, so what is it?

Could it be that my lady parts are preparing for action? Just a guess, because I'm at a loss to find an explanation.
Believe me, it can be gas :lol: by the end of the day i looked like I was about 4 months gone, and that was at 5 weeks :lol:
But, but.... how come none of it is coming out?! LOL!!!!!

OK, I will admit to some gas, but by the look of my stomach, I should sound like a walking orchestra all day long!
Does it go right down again in the mornings? If so you probably get rid of it at night, I think that's what I do :oooo:
I think it might, but not sure - I will be running straight to the mirror first thing tomorrow (i.e. 10:30!)
You're definitely not alone on this one!!! I swear I was bloated within 2 days of conceiving!!! Things settled down after a week, but now at 4 weeks pg, I too look about 4-5 months!!! I normally bloat with af, but this is something else!!!! I'm begininning to worry that people at work will notice, realise I'm pg, but think I'm much further along than I am!!!

I hoping for a good 'deflate' before the morning!!! Apart from anything else, I'm not sure my work clothes will fit!! ha ha!!!

I just noticed this tonight as well and was thinking oh I better start watching what I eat lol
I look huge in the evenings and it is all bloat! I think it is normal cos u get a lot of wind etc! Also constipation doesn't help
In huge in the evenings as well! Feels quite soft tho still. Is a bit smaller in the mornings but not by much!
It does seem so unfair that us ladies suffer from such terrible trapped wind for 3 months and makes the hiding being PG a bit more tricky (ESP if boobs grow too!) it really isn't baby at this stage at all as baby and uterus are all tucked in the pelvis til tri2. I've started eating prunes every day to help things move along a but quicker but those presky hormones are doing there thing here so more nutrient is taken into our bodies for the baby :-)
It's probably gas and lots of water retention. Although saying that I showed really early at about 12 weeks!
Phew! It must be gas. Copious amounts of!!! Checked the tummy situation first thing in the morning and was flat.
I'm so glad somebody brought this up! I now have a definite "bump" which is rock hard and is there permanently! It can't be anything to do with food as i can only manage very small amounts due to the constant sickness! I am suffering with constipation so i'm sure that's contributing but really it's so rounded and seems to be growning by the day!! :bump: Obviously i know baby is only the size of a lime right now but isn't it weird!! Maybe when i go for my 12 week scan on Tuesday they will reveal that i'm actually much further gone than they thought! lol. xx
I was really bloated too in the beginning, I thought I was getting a bump!! But it went away bu 12 weeks or so, then my proper bump never started a[[earing until about 17 18 weeks lol x But everyones diffrent chick :) x
Glad I'm not the only one, I look as if I'm 6 months pregnant sometimes (mainly in the evenings)... Looking forward to my proper baby belly, though!
I was very bloated in the beginning too and stayed that way until I was a few weeks into 2nd trimester and I had to get bigger clothes and everything. Then the bloat bump (as I called it) smoothly transitioned into a baby bump. It's quite funny really but my bump looked essentially the same from 6 weeks until 18 weeks :shock: which was when it seemed to start growing again.
Thats just how I feel now! Sounds like the bloat is just gonna stay with me and eventually turn into more baby! I can live with that :) I love looking pregnant but am concerned about my size so early on.

I feel exactly the same, 08Princess. I know I must and will be getting big in the months to come, but I wasn't ready at all for this inflated baloon tummy!

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