Could he still be hungry?


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2010
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Just recently Jacob acts like he's constantly starving - he's exclusively breastfed. It feels like he's always feeding, I'll feed him, then he'll dose off for a few mins, then wake and want more milk, when he isn't doing that he's stuffing his dummy in his mouth and sucking like there's no tomorrow, or if he hasn't got that, then his fist, anything. He cries and when I pick him up, he starts going for my boob and getting frustrated if I'm not quick enough, I'm beginning to wonder if bf is enough for him anymore or if he's a very hungry baby. I dunno what to do! I'm pleased that I've managed to feed him for so long, I don't really want to have to stop, but obviously it's about him getting enough food, not what I want. Xx
Hi :wave: I'm not too sure as i've never breastfed but i'm assuming he's going through a growth spurt? I'm bumping this up anyways, maybe someone else can help you hun xx
It sounds normal for a BF baby hun. They are pretty much attached to you during those first few months, it really settled down for me when Oz was about 4 months old, by 6 months he was down to 3 feeds p/day.

But at first it really is hard work, it is good to have baby on you though as it does help to build a good supply and they do comfort suck alot too. If he is happy with a dummy that's not a bad thing because it will give you a break for a bit. My LO would never take a dummy, if I try to give him one now if he fall asleep on me he wake up, take it out his mouth, laugh at it and throw it away lol

I've been BFing my boy since birth, he's 11 months now and honestly it gets so much easier after the first few months.


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