

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2007
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My little lady seems to have developed a cough over the past few days. At first I thought she was just choking on saliva she was producing from teething, but now it seems to be quite a dry persistant cough.

Has anyone else experienced this or have any recommendations. Have phoned HV and she said to give it a few days before seeing a GP.

Would like to know of anyone else with a similar problem.


I would only be very worried if the cough was accompanied by a high temperature and also if your LO seem's poorly, not feeding, sleeping lots, not being their ususal self. Isaac had a cough when he was 1 which turned out to be croup. He ended up in A&E but the cough had turned very harsh and sounded like a bark and we couldn't keep his temperature down at home. The hospital gave him temperature reducing medicine and steroids to open his airway.

Hope this helps. It more than likely is just an ordinary cough/cold that all LO's get from time to time. Maybe try elevating your LO's mattress so they aren't lying flat, that might help.


I would only be very worried if the cough was accompanied by a high temperature and also if your LO seem's poorly, not feeding, sleeping lots, not being their ususal self. Isaac had a cough when he was 1 which turned out to be croup. He ended up in A&E but the cough had turned very harsh and sounded like a bark and we couldn't keep his temperature down at home. The hospital gave him temperature reducing medicine and steroids to open his airway.

Hope this helps. It more than likely is just an ordinary cough/cold that all LO's get from time to time. Maybe try elevating your LO's mattress so they aren't lying flat, that might help.

Ryan's got a cough at the moment too, think he's got a cold cos his nose is uber snotty too. Not a lot I've been doing except giving Calpol and using Snuffle Babe for his nose.


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